Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/768

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SIXTY—SECOND (DNGRESS. Sus. III. Ch. 142. 1913. 745 For police force House OHiee Building under the Sergeant at Arms, “°¤*• °¤¤• ¤¤¤-

 Lieutenant, $1,200; ten privates, at $1,050 each; in all, mshuuruec

I ° » Orman or Doorkeeper, $5,000; hire of horses and wagons and re ans of same, $1,200 or so much thereof as maybe nec- · essary; speciaii employee, John '1‘..(i'hancey, $1,800; special em loyee, $_1,500; supermtendent of reporters’ gallery, $1,400; janitor, £1,500; snrteen messengers, at $1,180 each; ourteen messengers on the sol- m,nZT·_"""'* *‘°°" d1e1;s’ roll, at $1,200 each; fifteen laborers, at $720 each; laborer in the water-closet, $720; laboner, $680; two laborers, known as cloakroom men, at $840 each; eight laborers, known as cloakroom men, two at $720 each, and six. at $600·each; female attendant in ladies' N retzmng room, $800- superintendent of folding room, $2,500; fore- suxaiiiiiiesa man, $1,800; threeclerks,at$1,600 each; messenger, $1,200; janitor,· $720; laborer, $720; thirty-two folders, at $900 each; two drivers, at $840 each; two chief pages, at $1,200 each; two messengers in P°'°"°'°‘ ‘ charge of telephones (one or the minority) at $1,200 each; fort;-six pages, during the session, including two riding pages, four telep one · K.ges,LHress-gallery page, and ten pages for duty at the entrances to e H of the House, at $2.50 per day each, $24,380; superintendent of document room, $2,900; assistant superintendent, $2,100; clerk, ' $1,700; assistant clerk, $1,600; assistants—seven at $1,280 each, one gt $1,120; janitor, $920; messenger to pres room, $1,000; in all, 159,48 . · For employment of Joel Grayson in document room $2,150. **1 °¤•!¤¤¤· For the fo owing minority employees authorized and named in the ¥¤¤¤¤=v¤¤v¤¤r·¤•· resolution adopted April tenth, nineteen hundred and eleven, mmm Special emplcgee, $1,800; special m and assistant pair cl , $1,800; apes! smessenger, $1,500; ief page and pair clerk, $1 800; in 6 900. lior assistant department mmsenggr authorized and named in the ,,,,S,,’§}",,,‘°"""°°‘ resolution adopted December seven , eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, $2,000. _ _ For special messenger authorized and named m the resolution ado ted January fifteenth, nineteen hundred, $1,500. Ti; continue employment of the assistant foreman of the folding room, authorized an named in the resolution adopted February sixth, nineteen hundred, at $3.85 per day, $1,405.25. To continue employment of tgempcmon named in the resolution ado ted June fifth, nineteen hun as a laborer, $840. _ Ti): continue employment of the laborer authorized and named m the resolution adopted December nineteenth, nineteen hundred and one, $840. To continue employent of the special messenger authorized and named in the resolhtiyolii adopted April tenth, nineteen hundred and eleven, $1,500. _ _ nwnunu Successoxs to any of the employpes provided for in the seven preceding paragraphs may be named y the House of Representatives at an time. lior clerk to the conference minority of the House of Itipresenta- ”<;¤,:r¤•—·s¤u¤:_¤¤M- tives, $2 000; assistant clerk, $1,200; janitor, $1,000; rn , $4 200. Said clerk, assistant clerk, and janitor to be appomted by the charrman of the conference minority. _ _ _ To continue the employment of ur the maaonty and minority caucus rooms, to be apporntedfily e majority an minority whips, respectively, at $1,200 each; in , $2,400. _ mama _-Ur Omen or- Posruasrnn: Postmaster, $4,000; assistant postmas- m_m · ter, $2,200· registry and money order clerk, $1,500; twelve messengers, includinf messenger to supermteud transportation of mails, at $1,200 each; ourteen messengers, at $100 per month each from De-