Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/816

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SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Ssss. IH. Ch. 143. 1913. 793 delivery, superintendents of mails superintendents { m rd superintendents of regis , and tenden 0 'oney th0jrty6r’ at not egcazeding {210% telgeh; f ts of smm0m’ ' _ n superm n ents p mails, cashiers, chief stam clerks At mn. §g15tljsupermtendents, supermtendents of carriers, superinltendents 8, e very, supermteudents of mqmry, supermtendents of mails, superintendents of money order, and supermtendents of registry thxrtyrtwo, at not exceeding $2,100 each; ’ Assxstaut cashxers, assistant superintendents of delivery assistant ·*°¤·°°°· superintendents of xnauls, assistant superintendents of money order ussmtant suggnntendents of registry, bookkeepers, cashiers, of statxons, mee clerks, supermtendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, su riutendents of moneybrder superintendents of registry, sxéperintenggnts of second-class matter; superintendents of mqmry, an superintendents of stations, one hundred sud twenirg at not exceeding $2,000 each; Assistant cas ers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant A*¤»¤¤¤· supermtendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mon order sfsxstant superintendents of regxstré, assistant supsexintepacilents of s atmns, bookkeepers, CPSIIIOTS, ch.1 maaling cler , cluef stamp clerks, oxammers of stsuons, finance clerks, stenogrsphers, superintnmdeuts of carriers, superintendents of delivery, su erintendents of mmls, superintendents of money order, su I'.lI1t6D.<Fo1'1tS of registry, superintendents of sec0nd·c1ass matter, tango su tendents of stat1011s,_011c hundred, at not exceeding $1,800 cmg; Assxstsnt cashiers, assistant superintendents of dolivery,'assista.11t *°“·"" superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mon order, assnstant superintendents of registry, assistant su erinteuzmts of stamens, bookkeepexs, cashiers, chief mailing clexgcs, chief stamp clerks, exammers of stations, finance clerks, stenographins, supermtendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of malls, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations,_one hundred and fifty, at not exceeding $1,700 each; Assmtant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant ·“"·'“°· superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mono; order assxstant superintendents of registry, assistant supgrinten ents cl ststmns, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing cler’ , chief stamp clerks, exammers of statmns, finance clerks, foremen of crews, stenogrsphers, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of dehvery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of monefr order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-c ass matter, and xgperintenlilents of stations, one hundred and sixty, at not exceeding ,600 eac ; _ Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assxstsnt ·“ “-'°”· superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mon? order, assistant superintendents of registry, assrstant supgrinten ents of ststxons, bookkeepexs, easlners, cluef mznling elm- , cluef stamp clerks, examiners of stamons, finance clerks, foremen of crews, stenog— raphers, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class mstter, and supleirintendents of stations, three hundred, at- not exceeding $1,500 eac ; _ _ Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of dehvery, sssxstemt *'*’·“- superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of moneg order, assistant superintendents of regrstry, ssmstant supgrmten ents of stations, bookkeelgggrs, csslnem, Ch1Bf’ mmling cler , chief stamp clerks, special eler , exammers of stamens, finance clerks, foremen of crews, stenographers, superintendents of earners, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, supermtendents of money order,