Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/83

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60 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Suss. II- (311.28. 1912. aww. dale on the third Mondays in June and December: Provided, That djc°° ~ ¤ •* °¤•*¤· suitable rooms and accommodations for holding court at Clnrksdale seemqneguct ${*6 fuH1iSl'10d_ free of expense to the United States. The southern district shall mclude the terntory embraced on the first day of J£, ·’”=**°“‘”'“°”· nineteen hundred and ten, in the counties of Adams, Am1te, Cop _ , Covington, Eranklm, Hmds, Qolmes, Jefferson, Jeferson Dayns, Lawrence, Lmoolu, Lefiore, Madmou, Pike, Bankm, Sxmpsou, Sm1th, Scott, Wilkinson, aud Yazoo, which shall constitute the Jackson "°'*°"’ ‘”"'*°°· division; also the territory embraced on the date last mentioned m the °°`&“%l·°°¤sh°*]·¤Bgt0°1iY1“z§£§.b‘L'£‘£nLZ'L§‘;‘&‘2%2gSl¤‘lZ’k£Z;E“r§“3f$?l§0v!°‘Z‘i2s m f ; "'°”“ ‘"""°°‘ the territory embraced on the date last. mentioned in the conmties of Clarke, Jones, Jasyer Kemper, Lauderdale, Iueake, Neshoba, Novgton, Noxubee, an Wayne, which shall constntute the eaefern d1v1- °°°°“"' am"' sion; also the territo embraced on the date last mentioned in the coxmties of Forest, gorge, Greene, H8.D000ky·H&ITlSOD! Jackson, _ Lamm-, Menon, Perry, and Pearl Rwer, which consututes the T'""‘ southern division of sud district. Terms of the district court for the Jackson shall be held at Jackson on the first Mondays in May and November; for the western division, at Vicksburg on the iirst_ Mondays in Januaiir and July; for the eastern division, at Meridian on the second ondays in March and Se tember: and for the soutlmm division, at Biloxi on the third Mondhys in February can and August. The clerk of the court for each district shall maintain sm 0Ece in charge of himself or a de uty at each place in his district at which qourt IB now tollua held, at which he shall not hgmself reside, vqbieh shall kept open at all times for the transaptr0u_of the busmess of the court. The marshql for each of sand dmtncts shall maintain an 0Ece in chau·ge_of or a deputy at each place at wluch court is now held in hxs d1stnct." _ ¤}Z¥T°‘ °“°'°“ ‘”’ "SEc. 99. The State of North Dakota shall constitute one Judicial ugghedw P- im- district, to be known as the district of North Dakota. The territory dggumwlmm am- embraced fréthf iigstsday of Julibninetgizg htmgreél and tenkigghe · counties o ur e` , tutsmzm an, c nbos , mmous, i er, Foster, Wells, Mcfeam, Sheridan, Afdems, Bowman, Dunn, Hettinger, Morton, Stark, and McKenzie shall constitute the southwestern ,i,,°$‘°""'°"‘ di"' division of said district; and the territory embraced on the date last. mentioned in the counties of Cass, Richland, Barnes, Dickey, Sargent, Lamoure, _I§ansom, Griggs, gud Steele shall constitute the _§;_>r¢¤·•·¢¤r¤ em- southeastern dnvxswn; end the temtory embraced on the date lest (rnenlgioned mdtlgax ixountuif Hf Grand Forlcsixi Trzull}1Wn1sh, Igambixm, .av· er, an e son s a constitute the nort eastern ivision; m$jy¤¤•*¤=¤¤¤ di"- and t?»;i_{territoryEc:i1r;bra1<§‘ed on tlrie date lgstlmentionecl in the coun— ' ues o amsey, 4 y, enson, owner, 0 ette Bottineeu, Pierce; and_McHenrg shall constitute the northwesterz; division; and the western division. terrxtorz pip raced on the date lust mentimled in the counties of d_ I _ Ward, V1_llra.p1s, Montra1He, Burk,_u.nd Reuville shall constitute the ,,,{{‘,,.§Z3""“""°‘°“’ western d}Vl$l0D- The several Imhun reservations and parts thereof T¤¤¤¤· withm Saud State shell constitute a part of the several divisions within which they are respectively situated. Terms of the district court for the southwestern division shall be held at Bismarck on the hrst Tuesday m March; for the southeastern division, at Fargo on the third Tuesday in May; for the northeastern division, at Grand Forks on the seeoml Tuesday in November; for the northwestern dnvxsmn, et._Dev1ls llalge on the Emi; Tuesday in July; and for the western dmvxsxon, at Mmot on time sc-cond Tuesday in October. The °”*<‘°¤· clerk of the court shell mauntain an_office in charge of himself or a Q rho _ _ di- deggty at each place- at whxch court xs new held in his distriet." ci;,l’1§;l,,Q§2}‘""“ _ DEC- 105- TIM hmte Of South Carolma. rs divided imo two dig-

   p. uz;. trusts: to he known as the eastern and western distriuts of South

xx Gmnrnce. Lurolmaz. Phe western rhstrxct she'! include the territory embraced