Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/885

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862 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 146. 1913. 1>ev¤¤¤ ¤f F d artm t f natural and philosophy: Addii>°1iuZ:$lpi§;;lm:°ftt:l. to ZE arazills tg illustrate the principles of nrecharucs, acoustics, optics, ang astronomy; books of geference, :-clreghnc periozlrocatlsé textbooks, stationery, , an repairs; or repairs _ bserva buildrp ami re airs to clocks and for contingent 0 wrllht otherwmo providell for, $1,850;  » ,,,,,_m,m,,,,,,,,,,,, For department of instruction in mathematics: Textbooks, books •.¤=·¤·=— of reference, binding, and stationery; for tables of logantl1ms; for 1'I1l81'B8·Ildb1'lBDgl$§ t7f d1'.;l ;.I1¢1!]10d6lS‘{ ‘$?...@- ‘°’·g;°.‘I?'2... m¤..g"“°"°l°:.£§’§7.·¤5- ’ ’ °"“°°’ ‘“ n•,p¤¤¤•¤rea•. 0 For department of chemistry mineralogy, and geology: Qhemicals,

 chemical apparatus, _ and porcelam ware, paper, wu·e,_ sheet

metal, ores hotogra c apparatus and materials; rough specimens fossils, and, llor apparatus ali: to be used in the pwticail dtermi11ationofmrneralogr' an geo1ogical` specimms· an pzper for practical instruction in the same branches, and lorugradual increase and improvement of the cabinet; for repairs and drtrons to electric, magnetic, pneumatic, thermrc, and optical apparatus; for urclrase of laboratory and power-room machmery and apparatus and P , _ . mstallatglongfdsame, for mpdels, méps, diagrams, bogkapf reference, textboo , station or lDB&llCtlRS' an contmgm exp_ens:eis not othe:·wise or, {2,500; _ ’ _ · d nepemn hav arhn 0 Wmg: IBB E an n ""· md statgngr? for 1:; of instructors; repairs to models and purchase of new rn els;_desks stretdms, boards, racks, and stands; framing drawmgs· books and periodic s on art, architecture, topography, and technology; binding maps, books, and so forth; repairs to stereopticon and purchase of lantern slides; pll1otograpl;1clappa.r·a§_us and material; purchase of new instruments an repair o o ones or use of cadets; and for contingent expenses $1,530; F d artm t f modern langu : for stationery textbooks °'2·‘5*n‘l.t::;dm°d. mdcllookg of relgreiice for use of inszlrguogtors, for repairs of books and apparatus and for omce furniture, and for printing examination pa ers, and other necessary Ipapers, and for contingencies, $598· nm.-.¤e¤¤¤r1•w.· llor de artment of law: or stationery, textbooks, and_ books of ~ referencelfor the use of instructors ma map fixtures, furniture, and for repairs to the same, for rebrnding ks and periodicals, and for Deparuaent otmut or BH lc - Z Ul'0 cogliugrlnmartmcsl $35t?l>f r·acf al milit en eenng' For base ""’°"'*“°"“"’ and repaqrll of instrumexllts; transportalllign; glrlxrzhase of toolg implements, and materials, and lor extra-duty pay of engineer solcliers, as follows, namely: For instruments for use rn instructing cadets in making. reconnoissances;_photograph1c apparatus and material for §:2¤:..-°.mwe*;>z;.z‘:,mg., smears ;v;m;.¢*.;“,;z* :.%:;:25 for signaling arid iiel teegraphy;_trarisportation of Held parties; tools and material for the preservation, augmentation, and repair of wooden pontoon, and one canvas pontoon tram; sapping and mining tools and material; rope; cordage; material for rafts and for spar and_trestle bridges; mtrenching tools; tools and material for the repairof Fort Clinton and the batteries of the academy, and for extraduty_pay of engineer soldiers, at 50 cents per day each, when performing special slnlled_mechameal labor in the department of ractical military engmeermg; for models, books of reference, andpstatr¤nery,_and for extra pag one engineer soldier as assistant in photographic laboratory, an m charge of photoéra hic laborato homo . _ ¤ ll ry: P

 apparatus, materials, and supphes, at 50 cents per day,

De¤¤rtrn¤¤t¤!¤¤1— llordepamnmtofwdnmcemd nn : F urchase f '“`”°°“ ""””°°"‘ ture, an repair- of instruments, mogdlekilgrmhirlexiy, and