Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/90

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 43-46. 1912. 67 CHAP. 48.—A11 Act To authorize Butler and Stoddard Counties ot Missouri to F¤br¤•rr 17.1912- construct a bddge acrunthe Saint Francis River at Hodges Ferry, [H· R· 1“`”·] Public, No. 88. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoawligf Representatives of the United [ . 1 States of America in Congress assemb , That the counties of Butler iiiiiiirlisiiiiiiiiiiioiiird and Stoddard, in the State of Missouri, corporations o anized under fg°,gg§;_¤;gn';"§,§: the laws of the State of Missouri, are hereby authorizdd to construct, ' maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Saint Francis River at a int suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Hodges Iferry, Missouri, in the county of Stoddard in the State of Missouri, in accordance with the fprovisions of the Act v°’·“•P·“· entitled "AnAct to regulate the construction o bridges over navigable waters," agplroved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. at the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby "'“°"°"""°‘ expressly reserved. Approved, February 17, 1912. eau-.-14.-.1u so To mess as time my ui use munici *'*‘*¤•¤”·”*’~ msgs at sam Louis, Missouri. ° mmm °i uw Pal Be it enactedby theSenate and Housec Re esentativeso the United V States ry America in Congress assembled{Tl11:t the time fdr the com- §,§¥i,$lZ3'3.,, pletrou of the bridge authorized by an Act entitled **5.;; Aer, to ¤,_=;1g1¤£:)_bv ¤¤i¤= authorize the city 0 Saint Louis, a corporation organized under the Vol. 5|._%461; Vol. laws of the- State of Missouri, to construct a bridge across the Missis- 1%* °°°’ °*' °°' "‘ sippn B.1ver," approved Jnme twenty-fiftii, nineteen hundred and six, be, and the same is hereby, extended for the period of three years from the date of the passage of this Act. Approved, February 17, 1912. crmr. 4s.-as ac: To auumau rmy county, mmm-1, to construct s mags "E’ii'?}{’1}Zs~;ii"“ acron the White River at Branson, Missouri. Be it enaded by the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United States §f America in Congress assembled? That the county of Taney, b__'?i‘iiii·R<€<iigf=r my ID the tate of Missouri, a corporation organized under the laws of the moi"' ° ~”°°' State of Missouri, is hereby authorized to construct maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Wihite River, at_a pomt suitable to the interests of nariiiqation, at or near Branson, lll the county of Taney, in the State of issouri, in accordance with the vo, M. P M provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of ' ridves over navigable wat,ers," approved March twenty-third, 111119- teenhhundred and six. _ naman, Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 17, 1912. CHAP. 46.-- To prov1d' e for the sale of the surface of the segregated coal '°*""‘“’ H: lm md asphalt la.ndeA•3 dn?Cboctaw and Chickasaw Nations, and for other purposes. Be it enactedby theSenateand House of ReIz;;esentat·i*ves of the United 0 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the 8.,w°'d.,,“”‘· of ,,,,,. Interior is hereby authorized to sell at not less than the appraised §,,°$fm‘,{',},°°',:],'_,_•°,‘,§ price, to be fixed as hereinafter provided, the surface, leased and tems. unleased, of the lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations in Oklahoma ted and reserved by order of the_Secreto.rg of the ‘ Interior da twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred an three,