Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/902

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS Sus. III. C11. 147. 1913. 879 United States post offico at Milbank, South Dakota $7 _ nanny, pu. Uhifbd States post offico at Vermilion, South Dgkqgg, 3’?g:)0_ Vummnss. mk. United States post ciiica at Hunt.i.n§on,.Tou¤¤¤¤¤», $2,500, ¤¤¤u¤•¤·¤. mm. United States post office at Elizsbe um Tammw, $2,500, EM-¤·¤¤•¤¤.·r¤¤¤. United States post office at Rogoxsvillo, 'hannnssec, $3,000. B°¤•=¤*¤1¤· ¤'¤¤¤- United States post offico at Momghis, Tennessee, $40,000. ummm., mm. United States post office at Croc ott, Texas, $6,000. cmxen, wu. United States post. office at Memphis, Texas, $7,500. umpm., mu. Ungmd States post office at Sweetwater, Texas, $7 ,500. sweenu, mu. United States post office at Seguin, Texas, $7,500. Swain, au. United States post office at Taylor, Texas, $5,000, Taylor. rex. United States post office at Georgetown, Texas, $5,000. Gwmeeéwu, rex. A United Statespogt office at Coleman, Texas, $5,000, ¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤, rex. Fpr the a.cqu1s1t1op,_by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise of R32:-°'1‘¢»m_d_ additional gronmd adjommitho post officc dud courthouse at Dallas, N1 Texas, $300,000, or so muc thereof as ma be necessary: Provided That the Secretary of Treasury bo, anglm is hereby, authorized and empowered, m his dmcrcticn, 1p lieu of the foregoing, to scquim a new auto by purchasci condemnation, or otherwise, for a post 0Eco at Dqllas, Texas, at a. limit of cost not to exceed $300,000. United States post office at Naphi Utah, $5,000. Nm"' °‘°‘· Umwd States post office at West {Point, V'%gi¤j., ;5,0gg_ W¤·¢ P¤1¤•. ve. United States post oiiiu at Capo Charles, uginia, $7,500. °"’° °“"'°'·v'· United States post office at Buena. Vista Virginia, $5,000. Bm" v""‘· V" United States post office at Woodstock, $5,000. w°°°"‘°‘*‘ “ United States post office at Manassas, Virginia, $5,000. M?”°‘”"’ V" United States post. office at Colfax, Washington, $7 ,000. °° !”‘ W“h‘ United States post office at Pasco, Washington, $10,000. P°°°' w””‘ S1;}1£gt,cd States post o£ce at N cw Martinsville, West Virginia, w§w}’.{° ""‘"""m°• - , 0. United States post. office on west side at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, m"'““°°·w" $100,000. Num"' ww United States fgost office at Newcastle, Wyominv, $5,000: Pro- 1·»»¢». ` mlled, That here for no authorization shall be mage for the con- *§"§§’§e"‘§‘Q‘}f,,,;,‘;§ stmction of a, building to be used exclusively for post office purgosvs m°¤”¤*· ¤¤·¢¤¢¢¤¤- at any town or city where the qlostal receipts havepot macho the sum of $10,000 annually, nor s all any authorization for the purchase of a. site for post office purposes only be made at any town or city wgmere the postal receipts have not reached tho sum of $6,000 armua . Sec. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby. §§§.],'§.‘{,‘,{;,‘,§,§"’<$;,,,,,, authorized and directed to enter into contracts for the cpustruction of ¤¤¤# •¤¤·¤¤’¤·¤¤· a suitable buildingbfor a. post. 0§c¤ cing upon the sate heretofore acquired, bounded y Seventh, Exghth, qyt, and Ghsan Streets, m the city of Portland, Oregon, at s total limnt. of cost for said budding, complete, including mechanical equipment, heating, vanulatgng vacuum clcanin§ and air washing systems, mmchincry,_ maphauucai a pliunces and oviccs for handbag mail, mtercomxgxumcatgng telepgones and clock systems, and suc other hbor-nvm? dgvmcs and appliances as may be deemed necessary, at a total umt of cost, ¤m1¢¤fc¤s¤ exclusive of site, of $1,000 000. '_ mhM__mr__, com That the Secretary of tim Treasuxgsba, {md he as hereby, further pétitiou .m&1m¢ authorized and empowered, in has CTGUQH, to secure the plans, specifications, and estimates for said_ building and the local supervision of its construction by compemion among not less th:m_five architects, and to make ayment for the seyvmes of the arqhqect whose plan may be selecteg out of the apgrxprnatinn for said bmldmg, any statute to the contrary uotwuhhsmn g.