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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1174

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1156 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 147. 1915. exams ALLOWED nr Tim Aunrroa FOR THE wan DEPARTMENT. cam allowed by For a , and so forth, of the Army inclu settlements made ,§,{‘,‘§,E‘.Z{.,¥°' "’·* "°· under iiignet of Jniy ennn, nineteen tiindneiiuigna fourteen, public number one hundred and twenty-five, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $402,481.03. For extra-duty pay to enlisted men as clerks, and so forth. at Army division and department headquarters, $908.45. For subsistence of the Army, $8.45. For regular supplies, Quartermastefs Department, $816.12. For incidental expenses, Quartermasteis De artment, $35.33. For transportation of the Arm; and its supplies, $12,356.16. For roads, walks, wharves, an drainage, $209.43. For water and sewers at military posts, $7.48. For construction and repair of hos itals, $1,009.59. For eneampment and maneuvers, Organized Militia, $983.43, For national cemeteries, $39.12. For headstones for graves of soldiers, $127.95. For National Home or Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Central Branch, $877. For expenses of recruiting, $75.29. For dragoon homes, $127.72. cnams .u.L0wm> nr THE Aumron ron mn Navy nmranmmnr. cum nuewea by For a of the Na , $9,438.78. $,j,;‘°§§‘{,{f" N"" °°` For gag; Marine Covgxs, $32,989.39. For pay, miscellaneous, $204.99. For contingent, Marine Corps, $7.33. For transportation and recruiting, Marine Corps, $91.03. For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $791.75. For guunery exercises, Bureau of Navigation, $22.85. For outfits on first enlistment, Bureau of Navigation, $20. For outhts for naval apprentices, Bureau of Na ation, $28.91. For maintenance of naval auxiliaries, Bureau o;Navigation, $31. Fori Naval Training Station, California, Bureau of Navigation, $554. 4. For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance, $4,498.26. For equipment of vessels, B1u·eau of Equipment, $24.07. _ For coal and transportation, Bureau of Equipment, $822.25. For ocean and lake surveys, Bureau of E uipment, $41.25. gqr maintei;3a3<i;i Bureau of Yards and Docks, nineteen hundred an en, . . For maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, $836.66. For Medical Department, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $10.90. For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surge , $6.32. For provisions, Navy, Bureau of Sup lies and Hccounts, $834.80. For reight, Bureau of Supplies and gccounts, $4,033.44. sljggr construction and repau·, Biueau of Construction and Repair, For steam machine , Bureau of Steam E¤gm' ee , $104.40. For destruction of dzithing and bedding for saniim.Imr_€ reasons, $3. Vcuap. 962. For indemnity for lost property, naval service, Act March second, oiglhteen hundred and ninety-five, $72.90. V¤L IB.?-481. _ or interest on judgment rendered against the United States, %nsm§85up<g;r the Act o March third, eighteen lumdred and seventy- ve, . .