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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1177

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SIXTY—THIRD 00Nc1mss. sms. 111. cs. 147. 1915. 1159 55;.11% 90ity Delivery Service; letter carriers; horse hire; carriers, $ . . For rent, light, and fuel, $85.93. For compensation to postmasters, $71.74. For separating mails, third and fourth class post offices, $61. For compensation to clerks in post offices, $378.02. For clerk hire, third-class office ; compensation of postmaster, $1,500 orlless, $30. {H _ Img or ost—0 ce inspectors, trave enses, $10. For ilacing slips, and so forth, $4.95.6xP For electric and cable car service, 88 cents. For Railway Mail Service, salaries, $77.78. For payment of rewards, $50. For amount deposited in the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts August nineteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, being value of mail eiglupment alleged to have been lost in transit between Albuuerque, ew Mexico, and Saint Louis, Missouri, and subsequently ?oun in the Saint Louis post office, $157.56. AUDITED OLAJMS. -¤¤¤¢·<¤·=¤·¤¤¤= Sec. 3. That for the pa ent of the follo claims, certified to ...%§';.'g be due by the several accoyuiilting omcers of Department °“{,°:_°·m' P uu under appropriations the balances of which have been_exhausted or ` carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and under appropriations hereto ore treated glsogennanent, being for the service o the Hscal year nineteen hun and twelve and other %ears, imless otherwise stated and which have been certified to ongress imder section two of the Act of Julgeseventh, eighteen hun- V¤r ¤¤» P- 254- dre and eiglhty-four, as fully‘ set forth in nate Document Numbered Nine undred and sixty, reported to Congress at its present session, there is appropriated as fo lows: cnams Amiownn nr rm: aunrron 1-*01; THE rnmsnnr nnraammrrr. For refund1ng' taxes illegally collected, $3,207.91. ,§"**”’;’,°“°'°‘*m,,,",,’ For payment of judgments against internal-revenue officers, i>•1q¤w¤•i¤l·T $30,742.90. ' For expenses of Revenue-Cutter Service, 94 cents. For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, $154.97. For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $5. For mechanical equipment for public buildings, $50.38. For heatiigg apparatus for public buildings, $10. For gener expenses of pu lic buildings, $2.74. cnams ALLOWED BY rim Aunrroa ron Tim wax Dmraxmmivr. For ay, and so forth, of the Armi, including settlements made A.$Q‘2{3'}’g.§.“°v`J§,d {X under Elie Act of July sixth, nineteen undred and fourteen (Public, P°“¤*°¤‘· Numbered One hundred and twenty—i:ive, Sixty-third Congress, second session), $90,831.83. ' For Signal Service of the Army, 70 cents. For regular supplies, Quartermastefs Department, $24. For incidental expenses, Quartermastefs Deplartment, $96. For transportation of the Army and its supp 'es, $745.06. For headstones for gaves of soldiers, $20.01. For improving San ablo Bay, California, $22,422.40.