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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1194

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1176 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. sm. III. cH. 153. 1915. a, b, c, d, e denote the horizontal breadths of the boat measured in feet at the upper and lower oints of the depth and at the three points obtained by dividing h into fdur e ual parts (a and e being the breadths at the extreme points, and c at the middle point, of hl. Third. If the sheer of the gimwale measured at the two points situated at a quarter of the length of the boat from the ends, exceeds one er centum of the length of the boat, the depth emdployed in calcisating the area of the cross sections A or C shall be eemed to be the depth amidships plus one per centum of the length of the boat. Fomth. If the de th of the boat exceeds forty-five per centum of the breadlth, the depth employe in calculating the area of the midship cross section B shall be deemed to be equa to forty- five per centum of the breadth; and the depth emplo ed in calculating the areas of the quarter-length sections A and 5 is obtained b increasing this last Hgure by an amoimt equal to one per centum of the length of the boat, provided that in no case shall the depths em lo ed 111 the calculation exceed the actual de ths at these pomts. Fifth. If the de th of the boat is greater than fldur feet, the number of persons given by the qpplication of this rule shall be reduced in roportion to the ratio of our feet to the actual depth until the boat has been satisfactorily tested afloat with that number of persons on board all wearing life jackets. Sixth. The Boar of Supervising Inspectors shall im , by suitable formulae, a limit for the number of persons allowed in boats with very fine ends and in boats very full in form. M¤¤•¤*•I ¤¤¤¤1>¤- Seventh. The Board of Supervising Inspectors may by regulation assign to a boat a, cayiacity equal to the product of the length, the breadth, and the dept multiplied by six-tenths if it is evident that this formula does not °ve a greater ca acit than that obtained by the above method. 'lge dimensions shhll then be measured in the follo manner:

 From the intersection of the outside of the planking with

the stem to the corresponding point at the sternpost or, in the case of a square-sterned boat, to the afterside of the transom. Breadth. From the outside of theplanking at the point where the breadth of the boat is greatest. Depth. Amidships inside the planking from the keel to the level of the gunwale, but the depth used in calculating the cubic capacity maiyl not in any case excec forty-five per centum of the breadth. _ all cases the vessel owner has the right to require that the cubip capacity of the boat shall be determined by exact measuremen . Eighth. The cubic capacity of a motor boat is obtained from the gross capacity by deducting a volume equal to that occupied by the motor and its accessories. D•¤k¤¤•~ mzéx anna or roxroon soars AND ormv noxrs or rm; szcoim cuss. P°”‘°°“ "°°"· First. The area of the deck of a pontoon boat of t 1C, 2B, or 2C shall be determined by the method indicated belog: or by any other method giving the same degree of accuracy. The same rule is to be qpplied in determining the area within the fixed bulwarks of a boato the 2A. Secomllp For example, the surface in square feet of a boat may be deemed to be given y the following formula: Area=-%§(2a+1.5b+4c+1.5d+2e),