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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1196

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1178 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 153. 1915. D¤*'**»=· STOWAGE or BOATS—N'U'MBEB or DAVITS. Nmm *°*1¤**°d· The minimum number of sets of davits is fixed in relation to the length of the vessel; provided that a number of sets of davits greater than the number of boats necessary for the accommodation of all the persons on board may not be required. H¤¤d“¤¢· HANDLING or THE BOATS AND B.AFTS. F•°“”*°° '°¤°"°°· All the boats and rafts must be stowed in such a way that they can be launched in the shortest `ble time and that, even under unfavorable conditions of list ang trim from the gioint of view of the handling of the boats and rafts, it may be possi le to embark in them as l e a number of persons as possible. allhe a.rr ments must be such that it may be {possible to launch on either siizie of the vessel as large a number of oats and rafts as ib e. PMS STRENGTH AND OPERATION or Tim DAVITS. Stream. The davits shall be of such strength that the boats can be lowered with their full complement of Eprsons and equipment, the vemel being assumed to have a list of teen degrees. 0P°“*ti°¤· The davits must be fitted with a gear 0 sufficient power to insure that the boat can be turned out against the maximum list under which the lowering of the boats is possible on the vessel in question. orrmrz APPLIANCES nqUrvA1.EN•r T0 DAvrrs. m§&¤iv¤*¤¤* ¤PP“· Any appliance may be accepltegd in lieu of davits or sets of davits if the Board of Supervising pectors, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, is satisfied after proper trials that the appliance in question is as effective as davits or placing the boats in t e water. DAvrrs. M¤¤1»-¤=•¤¢<>¤>¤¤*=· Each set of davits shall have a boat of the first class attached to it. provided that the number of open boats of the first class attached to davits shall not be less than the minimum number fixed by the table which follows. mggdgfmbgtf ¤*’¤*· If it is neither practicable nor reasonable to lplace on a vessel the minimum number of sets of davits required by the rules, the Board of Supervising Inspectors, with the appéoval o the Secretary of Com- · merce may authorize a smaller num r of sets of davits to be Htted,

  • '·°‘*"*°“°°· provided a ways that this number shall never be less than the minimum number of open boats of the first class requir·ed by the rules.

rncmornmzbuu. If a large proportion of the persons on board are accommodated in boats whose length is greater than fifty feet, a further reduction in the number of sets of davits may be allowed exceptional] , if the Board of Supervising Insdpectors, with the approval of the écretary of Commerce, is satisfie that the arrangements are in all respects satisfactory. Tw r•q¤1r¤<i· In all cases in which a reduction in the minimum number of sets of davits or other equivalent appliances re uired by the rules is allowed, the owner of the vessel in question shalll be required to rove, by a test made in the presence 0 an officer designated by the Supervising Inspector Genera , that all the boats can be efficiently launched in a minimum time. C"“‘“‘·"'”· The conditions of this test shall be as follows; First. The vessel is to be upright and in smooth water. Second. The time is the time required from the of the removal of the boat covers, or an other operation necessary to repnaretthe boats for lowering, umd the last boat or pontoon raf}; is oa .