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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1200

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1182 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. C11. 153. 1915. l hundred and ten persons the minimum number of certificated lifeboat men shall be five; the boat or raft carries from one hundred and eleven to one hundred and sixty persons the mimmum number of certiicated lifeboat men shall be six; if the boat or raft carries from one hundred and sixty-one to two hundred and ten persons, the minimum number of certificated lifeboat men shall be seven; and, thereafter, one additional certificated lifeboat man for each addi- ,Q_,"‘}{’$,,, 1,,, um, tional lift persons: Promkled That if the raft carries fifteen persons Y 1 . 15&:¤=¤§; of mm or less a hcensed officer or ab e seaman need not be placed in charge pm of such raft: Provided further, That one-half the number of rafts _ carried shall have a capacity of exceeding fifteen persons. ·*“°°°”°”· The allocation of the certificated lifeboat men to each boat and raft remains within the discretion of the master, according to the cirta.n . qQ¢£i§_;•gg°°*¤md°* cul]; "cec§ificated lifeboat man" is meant any member of the crew `_ who holds a certificate of elliciency issued under the authority of the Secretqry pi who IS hereby directed to provide for the o su ce ca . n@¤°“°¤· °°°·· Egfr? order to obtain the special lifeboat man’s certificate the applicant must rove to the satisfaction of an officer designated by the Secretary oi)Commerce that he has been trained in all the o erations connected with launching lifeboats and the use of oars; that he is acquainted with the practical handling of the boats themselves; and, further, that he is capable of understanding and answering the orders relagzive tp lifelboat servic¢3 of the R8 ¤¤¤i¤¤¤¢·d ¤f•¤¤¤¢ Sectio orty- our un an sixty- e v1sed° Stat tes mil gigs; ikiilraei, as amended is hereby amendedtlgy adding the words "includingl;m·. ““‘°“"°"· tigcated lifeboat men, separa y stated/’ to the word "crew" w erever it occurs. · ““'“”¤ °‘*’°°"°· MANNTNG or noyrs. ¤hgg§·=°*» •*°·· *¤ A licensed officer or able seaman shall be placed in charge of each ` boat or pontoon raft; he shall have a list of its lifeboat men, and other members of its crew which shall be sudicient for her safe management, and shall see that the men placed under his orders are acquainted with their several duties and stations. utmbmu. A man capable of working the motor shall be assigned to each tor at. neun. m91‘he dhtyiacg seeing that boats, pontoon rafts and other lifesaving app ces are at all times ready for use shall be assigned to one or more officers. °""· nrusrnn nom. AND nnnrs. `$P°°*“ dw"- Spgcial ciluigos for the event of an emergency shall be allotted to each mem er o e crew. “‘”*°’”"· The muster list shows all these qpecial duties, and indicates, in phartiplulir, tthea sgagaon to which eac man must go, and the duties at e as p orm. P°"""*°°"* Before the vessel sails the muster list shall be drawn up and exhibited, and the propzr authority, to be designated b the Secretary of Commerce, shall satisfied that the muster list llas been pre ared for the_vessel. It shall be posted in several parts of the vessel? and in particular in the crew’s quarters. “°’“'“¤*· nmsrmz usr. ,,,?"“‘ °* ‘*°‘ The muster list shaltlhassign duties to the different members of the · crew m connection wi —- (a) The closing of the water-tight doors, valves, and so forth. (b) The equipment of the boats and rafts generally. (c) The launching of the boats attached to davits.