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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1211

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Cns. 170-172. 1915. 1193 iuCt&ASJ$’t;g;;7;>f.—X;&n Act.'1‘o transfer certain countiein the several judicial districts fi§r<{e4lhg§· . [Public, No. 319. Be zt enacted by the Senate and HousZ;igfRepresentattves of the United I States oj America m Congress assemb That the counties of Desha .n$§i°a§5`°?e`i°“t°“]°` and Chicot, in the State of Arkansas be, and the same are hereby, "°g’;,_£“· b- ¤°°· detached from the western division of the eastern district of Arkan- moans me cmwt sas and are hereby annegred to, included in, and made a art of the $,X*§2°”di‘$;“',§?,,{°,§*,_ ‘° eastern division of the said eastern district of the State ofp Arkansas. Sec. 2. That the county of Yell, in the State of Arkansas, be, and ¤,°2,°i,§°§,,Y“§,’;*,§,’;§,‘;‘f the same •lS hereby, detached from the Fort Smith division of the western district of Arkansas and is annexed to, included in, andmade a part of the western division of the eastern district of the State of Arkansas. Sec. 3. That this Act shall in no wise affect the jurisdiction as to ,¤IQT$°‘ ‘“'° "°* actions at_ law or suits in equity now pending, but all actions at law and suits in equity now pending in the respective districts and divisions having ]urisdiction thereof at the time of the passage of this Act shall proceed as if this Act had not been passed. Approved, March 4, 1915. CHAP. 171.-An Act To repeal penalties on fcreigmbuilt vemels owned by $2%% Americam [rebut, Ne. em.; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rr1e£resen.tat·ives of the United _ _ States of America in. Congress assembled, at so much of sections §§’,§P‘“i;“mv¤m forty-two hundred and nineteen and forty-two hundred and twenty- ¤¤,~i_¤¤·1l€i·· mmm five of the Revised Statutes as imposes tonnage duties of 50 cents re¥;’f.?a'?°*"*°‘°•°°’ per ton and light money of 50 cents per ton on a. vessel owned by pp_§;°‘g§§_*’“·“”· citizens of the United States but not a vessel of the United States; ' so much of section four J, subsection one, of the Act of October g,;’cj_g1,£§i¤ du, third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitled "An Act to reduce g y' tariff duties and to provide revenue for the Government, and for other urposes," as lII1dgOS€S a. discriminating duty of ten per centum ad valiirem on all goo , wares or merchandise imported in a vessel owned by citizens of the United States but not a vessel of the United States; and so much of section four J, subsection two, of the Act *,.€,,'}‘g,{’,;,§Y°· aforesaid as rovides for the forfeiture of any vessel owned léy citizens of the lilnited States but not a. vessel of the United tates, together with her cargo, tackle, apparel, and furniture, are hereby repealed. Any such tonnage duties light money, or discriminating R·¤¤¤¤.·¤=- duties collected since the passage of the Act of August eighteenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, shall be refunded, and any such forfeitures incurred are hereby remitted: Provided, however, That the {§,,‘f'Q‘,"',,,;,,,,,,,,,,, provisions of this Act shall apply only case that any vessel of the resumicharacter above described after entering an American grt shall, before leaving the same, be registered as a vessel of e United States. Sec. 2. That this Act shall take effect immediately. gg,_°"°°° *¤¤¤°d* Approved, March 4, 1915. _ CHAP. 172.-An Act To provide for provisional certificates of registry of vemels limb 4. 1915. abroad, and for other purposes. · 0.321. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives g the United States of America in Congress assembled, That consular officers_ of the ommems er resis- United Stiites apld é)lGlZl.€1'fp81'S]§)I1S as may from tirtne tottlime bg ,,,3, iss., des' ate b the i ent or the purpose are ere au orize '°“$’ · ° _ to ighe progsional certificates of registry to vessels abroad which gwmby mlm