1196 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 174-176. 1915. ba°,Q§,‘;,'{',;,§,e‘}‘f’“8hs‘° Sec. 6. That the company shall continue to maintain the present watering troughs and supply water as at present for the use of animals lawfully grazing upon such national forest or at such other place along suc pipe lme, in lieu thereof, as the officer in charge of sugh natiomil fo1g.G§b shloll fpom time to ti.mefdirect.h lm .'{j¤¤¤ M ¤¤¤S*¤¤¤· Ec. 7. at rig t o way er or suc i ° e not tw constructed and in use within three years from the datg hidreof shall cease and determine at the expiration of such eriod. c,a§;1s;;°g£g¤;i¤gm¤f Sec. Tpog thio $ct shag iiiotkbe constgisildp as abgecognitioio of any c 0 e aso an oc Islan way mpany, 0 or concerning water rights in the Hondo River or its tributaries or of any claim of right to divert water from the watersheds of said streams, or as a waiver of any stipulation heretofore agreed to by the said company for use in the litigation concerning water rights pfnding in tilloehlollnitooi Stoiteés districtéctolurt fgr the district of New exieomw c e United Statesan esai companyareparties. Approved, March 4. 1915. March 4, 1915. (S- 3362-1 CHAP. 175.-—An Act To authorize the Secretary of Commerce, through the Coast ‘*’“"“°·“°·“’*‘·‘ ?S.G§‘?.$§§1§dS.`f“.i§.’ 323 ?§?¤`i.°3&.‘&LF£E§§$%u'$tE‘3!E¥.“i§“$.$2'§fa““’?§°y§.‘?.£ crude waits the sae ot rem. °°g ° ° Tam Be it enactedfry Senate and House of Representatives of the United m,.,,,m,;,,bg,Sm beds, States %fAme11.ca_tn Congress assenzbled, That the Secretary of Commi. ¢<> S¤rv¤y¤<1. merce e, and he is hereby authorized, m his discretion, upon the request of the governor of the State of Texas, to assign such officers, experts, and employees of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be nec to make a survey of natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, and barren Bottoms contiguous thereto in waters along the coast of and within the State of Texas, including the compilation of the results of said survey for publication, at a total limit of cost of $10,000, and for this purpose he is authorized to emploayiifpidthe District of Clolumbia and elsewhere such technically 3% e persons as may e necessary to carry out the purpose of s Act. Approved, March 4, 1915. _ 1(arch 4,1915. [s.4.s2z.) 176.-·An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act “[`_P¤b—;`**‘,,c, N0_ 325, entitled ‘An Act to regulate commerce} approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and all Acts amendatory thereof, and to enlarge the powers gmtlgoeélglegstzge Commerce COIDID.l$10B,,! approved June twenty-ninth, nineteen Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives o the United ,,?€,';{§'§§’§;{’ States of America no Omgress assembled, That so much of sejction seven amwded_ · P· · of an Act entitlod An ct to amend an Act entitled ‘ An Act to regulate commerce, app\roved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and a Acts amendato thereof, and to enl e the powers of the interstate Commerce rg0mmission," approvgldg June me of bms of M- tvsroiritly-pinth, nineteen hundred and six, as reads as follows, to wit: _ 1 _ a any common camer, railroad, or transportation company mmgarmackti amend receiying property for translportation from a point in one State to a pomt in another State sh issue a recei t or a bill of lading therefpaigl and shall be lggble go the llowful holicier thereof for any loss, age, or injury suc pro cause it or b an common earner, railroad, or transportal>)§>nycompan go whichysucll property may be delivered, or over_ whose line or lines such perty ma pass, and no contract, receipt, rule, or regulation shalluegcempt such common carrier, railroad, or rtation company from the liability hereby imposed: Provided, t nothing in this section shall
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