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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1219

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 178. 1915. 1201 ment of West Virginia, Grand Army of the Republic, two condemned bronze or cannon or fieldpieces; To the city of Fredericktown, in the State of Missouri, for the use of §’§,g"f,§‘m°"¤· ”f°· Ma]or Gavitt Post, Numbered One hundred and seventy-four, Grand nos ' Army of the Republic, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece, with_carr1ag_e, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _To the city of n in the State of Missouri, for the use of rammgm, mo. Picket Rest, Numbered o hundred and fifteen, Grand Army of the cmd Amy p°“' Republic, four condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ To Custard Post, Numbered Thirty-nine, Grand Army of the Repub- g¤¤=g»,§¤¤¤· hc, Department of Kansas, located at Onaga, Kansas, one condemned mu my pm Ergolrgze or brass cannon or tieldpiece, and a suitable outnt of cannon To Wilson Colwel1Post Numbered 'I'hn·%' -e' ht GrandA1m of the L°°'°“°·w"· Republic Department of Wisconsin, at La ge, Mlisconsin, tivo con- cmd my Pm demned iieldpieces or cannon, with suitable outnts of cannon balls ; To the city of Sikeston, Missouri, two cannon or iieldpieces, with S“"’“°“·“‘* their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, to be mounted in the public park in said city; To the General Heintzelman Post, Numbered Three hundred, Grand  ;;,,,,,,_ Army of the Republic, of Manheim, Penns lvania, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces, with carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ To the city of Saint Maries, Idaho, for the use of the city in its public S“‘“* “““°°* I°"""‘ park, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpiece, and a suitable outfit of cannon balls for two pyramids; To the town of Wise, Virginia, two cannons, with proper carriaéges w"°’v‘ and with suitable outiit of cannon balls, which may not e neede in the service, the same to be rzlvaced on the public square in said village; To the city of Brodhead, isconsin, two cannon or fieldpieces, with B'°‘u‘°°d’ Wis" their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, to be mounted in the public park of said chg- To the town of Santa Rosa, California, two cannon or ii dpieces, S““°° R°°“’°“" with their carriages, not needed for present service, to be mounted in the monument lot in the said town of Santa Rosa, in the State of °¤—“f·>mi¤; . ...,m wi. To the village of Blanchardville, Wisconsin two cannon or field- °’ pieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not omeded for present service, to be mounted in the public park of said 6; T8ogCuster Post, Numbered Eighty-one, of the Grand Armti; of the B¤°'*·N· Y- Republic, and Major John Slocum Camp, Numbered One him ed and eiglity-one, Sons of Veterans, at Bath, in the State of New York, three bronze or brass iieldpieces or cannon, with their carriages and outfit of cannon balls, and so forth, not needed for service, the same to be used on the site of the SOl(llBIS, monument in the town of Bath; To the city of Princeton, in the State of Missouri, two condemned Pr¤¤¤¤¤¤.1l¤- bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces, with their carriages and with suitable outtit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, the same to be mounted and used m the coiuthouse sxzare m said c1ty; To the town of Sherman, Maine, for the use of rand Army Post s¤mgm,ue. Numbered Fifty-one, of Sherman Mills,Maine, two condemned ronze °"“‘ ”"‘"’°°°‘ or brass cannon or Heldpieces, with their carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls, the same to be mounted and placed by direction of the Grand Army post; To the order of McIlwain Post, Numbered Two hundred and g;P¤dg*¤A;¤§;·pm_ seventy-three, Grand Army of the Republic, Vandalia, Illinois, two condemned bronze cannon, mounted on carriages, for the_ purpose of lac` them in the courthouse yard in the city or m their cemetery list i?§0uth Hill Cemetery; 91006°-—voL 38—r·r 1--76