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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1221

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 178. 1915. 1203 fijlldpiece and carriage, together with a suitable outfit, to be used for s u purposes; _ Tgutlile city of Morrow, in the State of Ohio, one condemned bronze Morrow, Ohio. or brass cannon or fieldpiece and carriage, together with a suitable outfit of cannon balls for two pyramids, to be placed in the cemetery · m said city as a memorial to the soldiers there interred; To the town of Berryville, m the coung of Carroll and State of B°”Y"m°·-***· Arkansas, four condemned cannon or fi dpieces, with their carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls, to be subject at all times to the order of the Secretary of War; To Alva Post, Numbered Twenty-eight, Grand Army of the ·§,,‘{•,,;,‘Q‘,.’;*,y WL Republnc, Department of Oklahoma, Alva, Oklahoma, two cannon or iieldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, to be mounted in the courthouse square in said city; To Grand Post, Numbered one, Grand Army of the Republic, 0{’,;'*¤°”°• W! Department of Oklahoma, Oklahoma. City, Oklahoma, two cannon Grand Armyxmt or fieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, to be placed on the post’s burial ground as a monumEI`1tiIl1S8i%’city; Co al Cl b W K W Kc 0 the amego mmerci u , amego, 811888, two con- °”’°$°· m- demned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces and a suitable outnt ¤i·dv<l$i»$° of cannon balls for display purposes in public park; To the city of New Roc elle, New `Fork, one condemned bronze N°"R°°*‘“*°·N·Y· gun and three pyramids of shell, to be used for ornamental purposes _ III the plublic square; To the village of New Richmond, in the State of Wisconsin, two N"'m°*'“‘°“‘»w“· condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpieces, with their carriages, and suitable outfit of cannon balls; o the city of Pottsville, in the State of Pennsylvania, wo brass P°“""“°¤P“· or bronze cannon, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, the same to be placed in plot in front of armory in sai cit ; To tile order of post, Grand Army of the Republic, Vandalia, §$’§’f“,:,{’§·,,°,,_ Illinois, two condemned bronze carmon, mounted on carriages, for the purpose of placiné-éhem in the courthouse yard in the city·; To the village of worth, in the State of Wisconsin, two con- E“"'°'"‘·w“· demned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To Enid Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Okla- §“,,§§;,€’Q§,‘$,,, ,,,,,,_ homa, Enid, Oklahoma, two cannon or fieldpieces, with their car— riages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, to be mounted on the Government acre in said city; To the town of Beacon Falls, Connecticut, two condemned bronze B°”°°“ F""“* °°°”· or brass cannon or Eeldpieces, with carri§eS_ and a suitable outfit of gznnon ballp,v%he same to be subject at times to the order of the creta o ar; To tllig city of Van Buren, Arkansas, two cannon or fieldpieces, "“° B“‘°“··""· with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service; _ _ To donate two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces for S‘“'“'”‘ H‘“· P°· the soldiers’ monument at Summit Hill, Pennsylvama; To the town of Prairie Grove, in the county of Washington and @,§;°§',‘}» ·§2°,;_· State of Arkansas, four condemned cannon or iieldpieces, with their Mmwy. carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls, for park located on Prairie Grove battle Held, under the auspices of the Daughters of the Confederacy; To the city of Seymour, Iowa, two condemned bronze or brass §°,{§',§"fQ';,,¥,‘;",‘§,;,," cannon or Heldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls for the use of Grand Army of the Republic Post Numbered One hundred and eighty-six;