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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1224

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1206 six·rY.·rH11zn oonennss. sm. III. oa. 178. 1915. E“¤"°'·‘**°¤· '*`°¤¤· To the city of Elizabethton, in the State of Tennessee, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces and carriages, together with a. suitable outiit of cannon balls for two pyramids, to be placed in the unds occu ied by the monument erected as a memorial to the soldiigrs of East Tennessee; m“*’“"'Y*“°· To the city of Elsberry, in the county of Lincoln and State of Missouri, two bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces, with their carriages, not needed for present service, the same to be placed in the pu lictpark of said city of Elsberry; N¤·‘W<>¤¤· °¤i¤· To e city of Norwood, in the county of Hamilton and State of Ohio, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpreces, with their carri and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; H“’"“’°'°’ W"' To the of Hustisford, in the county of Dodge and State of Wisconsin, two bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces with their ca.rria%s, not needed foyrlupresent service, the same to be placed m mm M mtpeuapak of Sad `N“g°t’f iuasiscd; .1 Y P · o..o ost,umere 't-sevenan eer ost cmd Amypom Numbered n, Grand Army of 1l€heyRepublie, Depgtgment oi Pennstylvania, Allentown, Penns lvania, two cannon or lieldpieces with eir carriages and a suitablb outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, to be dplaced on the "veterans’ burial slot" in West End Cemetery, or o er appropriate public place in said city of Allentown to be designated by the aforesaid Grand Army Posts; B*’“¢°°¤¤· N- I- To the city of Bridgeton, New Jersey, to be mounted in the United States fest-office grounds in the said city of Bridgeton, two condpmne brcgnjleg or brass cannon or iieldpreces and a suitable outfit o cannon ; . w’°'"°"°m°‘ To the village of Wyoming, Ohio, one cannon or Heldpiece, with carriage, not needed for present service, to be placed in front of the armory or in any other appropriate public place in said village; m°'¤¤*¤d·"°· To the city o Bichmon , in the ommonwealth of Virginia, one cannon or Held piece; g}{g*d°*g,;_},¤;,*5_,_ To Miles H. ibbits Post, Numbered Two hundred and sixty, Grand Army of the Rgpublic, Department of Indiana, Piymout , Indiana two cannon or eldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for present service, to be mounted on the courthouse lirounds in said city; nm mm, one To the town of ack Run, Ohio, one cannon or iieldpiece, with carnage, not needed for present service, to be placed near the base of the McKinl§* and Lincoln statues on the farm owned by D. B. Baughman, at_ lack Run, Ohio, which is now being used as a meeting place for reumons and campfires by the Civil War veterans; “°°°¤¤°*"*“°·°h*°· _To the_ town of McConnelsvi1le, Ohio, one cannon or fieldpiece, with carnage, not needed for present service, to be placed on the a.rmory lawn at McConnelsville, Ohio; °'°°""'*“°· T°‘“‘· To the Andrew Johnson National Cemetery, Greeneville, Tennessee, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or field pieces and carriagses, together a suitable outfit of cannon balls for two pyragr ,mto e placed m the grounds of the Andrew Johnson National eme ry; ¤¤¤¤ F<-wt. Ark- To the town of Green Forest, in the county of Carroll and State of Arkansas, four condemned cannon or iieldpieces, with their carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls; “¤¤¤*¤¤·N·¤· To donate two condemned bronze or brass cannon or field ieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls to the city of Morganton, Burke Ccgunty, North Carolina, to be placed in the public square of that ci ;

 To the White Plains Chapter of the Daughters of the American

°‘“R"°‘““°°· Revolution, of White Plains, New York, one condemned cannon and three yrannds of shell to be used in marking a spot on Chatterton Hill, White Plains, New York, where Washington and the