240 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rns. 13-15. 1913. Whereas the city of _Philadelphia has extended an invitation to the Cog.%ess of thegilmted States toihlavefa replrespntation of the Senate an ouse at e ceremonies: ere ore ei mn do- S Resolvediby the Senate and House ol Replwieenttgtiaies ojii the tateeo merica·inC'0r»gressaes the resiento te wggimmmuml Senate ge, and is hereby, authorized to appoint thirteen members, one §L'i,‘I,“'.·;,,.,d_ ‘° ‘°°""°’ from each of the thirteen original States, to represent the Senate, and that r of the House of Representatives be, and IS hereby, auth to appoint from the membership of the House such number of Members as may be requested bydthe city of Philadelphia; and that the Members of the Senate and the embers of the House so appointed shall constitute a jomt committee on behalf of the Con of the §{,°'V.,"?,;,,,_ United States to attend_ the above celebration: P t the attendance of the committee shall entail no expense on the Government of the United States. · Approved, October 22, 1913. °,g¤{·*Rgg,¤; Epi: ghgwpscnr nsexusesrc pmvme for smashing the smiuemn mm in me [Pub. Bm., No. 12.] • Resolvedbyt}wSenatea1AdHmue Repreaerntatieiesof the United ,,,§°"’° °m°° ”"”°‘ States of America in Congress assemble? That, to enable the Clerk of ·m&¤hrL¤•¢i¤¤ fw the House of Reprepentatives to the additional rooms in the mpg?]. U. House Office Building, authorized by_the Act "Making appropria- ·P· tions to supply deficiencies m appropriations for the fiscal year nmoteen hundred and thirteen an or prior years, and for other urposes," approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, there is apprqpnated, out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $50,000. Approved, October 24, 1913. §;°*}*:£i‘:§lg::i·] wggghggf Joint 1{eeolution To relieve destitution among the native people and . , 0- Reeolved by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives the U tied i;‘¤'?..'.'§,‘}i.¤ ss. Slam; of America in Ovnyreas assembled, {hat the Secgtary oin the $¤m*gs {;_¤•*’• Mm Interior be, and he 1s_hereby, authorized, in has discretion, to expend v¤1.a1, 9.59*1. for the relief of destitute nativw and residents of Alaska suffering from the action of a storm in the northern Be Sea on October sixth to seventh, nineteen hrmdred and t the imexpended balance remaining of the_$§0,000 appropriated in the Act entitled "An Act making appropriation to supply deficiencies and a}ppro riations fo1;,the fiscal year nmeteen hun ed and twelve, and or other purposes, approved August twenty-szxth, nineteen hundred and twe ip, to reisrlnfurse thpuR:agEInue-Cutter Service for expenses incurred in re eving ering t o the action of 1 K diak Alaska; and the Secretary of the Treasur; iTs0h:;(l>ywdi.recti·>d ei nhegnifuczgplch uuexpended alance to the credit of the Secretary of Approved, November 15, 1913.
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