SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1913. 247 waterimspch costs tp bilciomplited in accordance wgthdthe currgéitily °°Q1;ggg§}§;g‘;¤ °¥ acce practrce o u c cos accounting as may etermin y ’ ` m §;::°.;*.rzis**h°.€zt:?2a;1::;2ta.*;z:r°za: igitsaamr; system included the Hetch Hetchy and lirake Eleanor sites; upon elexpreszicorhditron, howeverilthat th; said tgrantee may require the sai rrr-i' 'ga on rstricts to pure ase an ay or a minimum quantity of such stored water, pnd that the saidpgrantee ihall bg entitled tg rec m ensation or a mmimum quantity o tore water an shallviiozgime itequired to sell and deliver to the said iiirigation districts (rpore than qualgtity of sich store;1l`hwat§r ut;0 be Eeleased » any en aryear: r , ever, at' esai Zl1‘1'lg8»- R,,,,,,,,;,,,,_ tprulgstrrcts shall d elo suffici t wate to meet their own needs fginbeneiicial use amiivshall so no§y in wliting the Secretary of the Interior, the said grantee not be required to sell or deliver to said irrigation districts the maximum or minimum amount of stored waters hereinbefore provided for, and shall release the said districts as “a2%’:·a*m &2:.r.uf.·:;.;2;*:c:;·z*;;?.a**ri.,,5gr·*.2:’na·r.i·;¢.% sm ·· · --~· return’to the Tuoiumne River above the La Grange Dam for the use of the said irrigation districts all surplus or waste water resulting from the development of hydroelectric energy generated by the said grantee. (e) That such minimum and maximum amounts of such stored ';$:r%,g'hg*_*&_“ water to be so released durin any calendar year as hereinbefore provided and the price to be therefor by the said irrigation are to be determined an_ by the Secretary of the Interior rn accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. (f) That the Secretary of the Interior shall revise the mg;'?_;*g¤mig§m¤§_§_f*· glnsd siagnounts of stcired wat? to be suplpllred tip said irrtigatrog ' tri ts s ganteeas erein eoreprovr ,w enever esar ilrérigaljzion diptzigctsiphgye properlyudevellospigrd the fai.cti§ti¢%zv of the Ilgavis ° o Irnga` ° ° t an arner- R§;g;g§ of th:Modegl:$o Irr·igat.i<?i1Distr·icl;z to the frillest practicable extent up to a development not exceeding in cost $15 per acre-foot storage ca acity, and whenever additional storage has been provided by the saild irrigation districts which is necess:g0to the economical utilization of the waters of said watershed, and after water losses and watshtes have beg? regutcedetiioispch repsonible as will eco mrc an en c useosuc war. 8SS(;§B:1‘h:t tlrelgaid grantee shall not be required_to furnish more than t° §{""‘°°’ the said mmnnum quantity of stored water herembefore provided for uptiléhe st:id`;1;1)·riiat}§>xp11ditstrictst§mh§)l} hggpofist drawn upon their own srewar e es raccae n. _ _ (h) That the said granteia) shall not divert beyond the limits of the ,,,yL,g*;‘3‘ gf, "}‘f,§',;$ §:2dJ:;,q.r2i3’m; eaazwitxxtairsmsmzxat; W acquire, necessary for its beneficial use for domestic and other m(i)c'l`l1atPthe said grantee shall, at its own efkpense, locate and con- °‘“"“‘ "‘“’ °°"· struiclt, undgir lthe direction of the Segebtzgry of t és lfnterror, sucliweigs o 1a »trut 1 grane,necess ,ye l)l·nite<lrSStI;.tes, ici; actculrlgattlagrnrlreggming the flow in the sasildy river at or above La Grange Dam, and measuring the ilow into and out from the reservoirs or intakes of said districts, and into and out from any reservoirs constructed by the said grantee, and at any other point on thethTuolumne_l;»1iver or 1ts tributaries, which hteismayyodwtignatng gg; fit me wrt water-me apparatus sa ac ry _ sai retar; Ssltnd keep such hydrograplric records as he may drrect, such apparatus and records to be open to inspection by any 1¤i¤01`6S%6d party at any time.
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