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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/269

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250 six·rv.·rH1n1> cormnsss. sm. II. os. 4. 1913. ,;§PP"°”' °' *°•°·‘*· That trail and road and maintenance by the said iqantee m the Yosemite National ark and the Stanislaus National crest shall be done subject to the direction and a proval of the goectrifetary of tlire Interigp for the Secretary of Agriculture according err respec ive uns c ons. d‘,[u°§‘g{ ‘° °°°¤P•¤'¤ _ ( ) That the said granteeshall furnish water at cost to any authorm_§i¢{_¤:§bt‘¤:;gg“¤:_g ézr ized: occupant one mile of the reservoir and in addition to the ’ ‘ griixzs pgyided for; pn sgztrontsegpen it $l1Bll._I6lIIlblll‘S6 gzhtiel Uriioted aes vemmen or eaeu cos o mamtenan o roads and trails in a condition of repair as gplod as whci-ion constiiictelrlll ,,{,§,,§;f" *¤ “"°° (r) That in case the Department_of the terior_is upon, by reason of any of the above conditions, to make investigations and decisions respecting the rights, benefits, or obligations specified in this Act, which investigations or decisions involve e nse to the said Depatrétement of the Interior, then such expense shallxbz borne by said gran . "°""“°°°‘P’“"°"~ _(sl That the tiantee shall file with the Secretary of the Interior Ethan six nppn diagter tlppzbagpprovzl of this Act, its acceptance ci e an con ons o . ,,,“F,§€’,U‘§,,,§g,;*,}[ (t) That the grantee herein sgllu convey to the United States, by proper conveyance, a good and sufficient title free from all liens and encumbrances of any whatever, to any and all tracts of land which arenow owned by said grantee the Yosemite National Par]; or that part of the forest adgacent thereto not actually required for use under the provisions of thm Act, said conveyance to be apgpapéeglr filed with the Setcgetary ojb tpaeu llargtpriotiil within six mon grantee c ases urposg · of construction or_ repair undercthe roilgiczils of this Acdlt. 0 P D,?,,°,{,Y,gf°"°"*' (p) That the eng and county oil San Francisco shall sell to the United States, for e use of the War Department, such water as the War Department may elect to take, and shall deliver the same through its system in or near the city of San Francisco to the mains gr systems of such military reservations in that vicinity as may be . en or su mm assed "’;;?;%E§°“"iZ"§‘ Wuztmziuch as is asses thereof tlllelllnited Stateslghyalll a to the sliild B B very , 1:11% c ty and count of San Francisco a_ rental, to be calc ted at a fixed rate per one tliou- . sand gallonsd said rate not to exceed the actual cost of said water to sand city an county for all the water so furnished, as determined by l1;y;m,· meter measurements: And farther, That payment of said °°g§1.gi£,,c, ::21 an rentalshall be made by the local drsbuising officer of the War Dep — '°‘¥ · mepglirr the usual manner: Promded, hmvezger, That the grantee shall at _ tunes comply with and observe on its part all the conditions s ecified ur this _ ct, and in the event that the same are not reas n- a ly complied with and carried out by the grantee upon writt)en request o the Secretary of the Interior, it is made the duty of the Attorney General in the name of the United States to commence all necessary suits or proceedings in the proper court ha jurisdiction ggxeggolkgpr the purpose of enforcing an carrying out the provisions d,{g§¤;_= of *¤*s¤¤¤¤ _Snp. 10.. That this grant, so far am `t lat to th 'd ` ' ct districts, shall be deemed and held to hoiigtitiilie a birlidlililg ollirlgldligii upon said grantee in favor of the said irrigation districts whildh said Id$;rI$:;t§g{1p'Leitltipg•xpf them, may judicially enforce in any court of com- BKMO laws not gl. Sec. dhs A t t • . . W specifies y set est h§r,i'3,“.,§“L0P1?i°;§ §§‘§Zi§°§r‘}`ti°1E‘2 construed as affecting or intending to_ affect or in an way to interfere

the laws of the State of California relating to the control a roprration, use, or distribution of water used in irrigation or for mirnilzlilpal