SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rss. 53, 55. 1914. 783 No. 53. Joint Resolution Ced` to the State of Califomia m ' iction 0¤t¤b¤f 2% 1914- ovhr certain lands in the Presidio olngan Francisco and Fort Masotii [S· I R°°‘ ISM Reservations. {rub. nes., Ne. sz.; Whereas the Secretary of War was authorized by H. J. Res. 8, of ,,,§`,,°’f,‘jf{",f},$“,f,"_;’,§‘,; February sixteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, to grant to the ¤¤¤1$;§m¤g;·¤» W- Panama·Paciiic International Exposition Company éiermission to V0l.87,;:629. occupy and utilize such portions of the Presidio of an Francisco and ort Mason Military Reservations for exposition purposes as he might designate; and Whereas the Secretary of War under the authority in him vested by the said joint resolution, did, by an instrument dated April twenty- second, nineteen hundred and twelve, grant permission to the said company to occupy and utilize for the said (purposes certain portions of the said military reservations, and 'd y an instrument dated April tenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, grant a like permission to the said company as to certain other portions of the said Presidio Military Reservation; and Whereas the United States now has exclusive jurisdiction over the said military reservations; and Whereas it is desirable that the power to preserve order in all of the said ortions of said reservations during their occupancgr by the said ganama-Pacific International Exposition Comfpanio e vested in the authorities of the State of California: There ore it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United , States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That the United States ,,§1,°,,'}',g,"`,'§",,$?,}*°"*°Z hereby cedes to the State of California such jurisdiction over the said 23;,:;, um fw E- portions of the said military reservations as the said State now ` possesses elsewhere within its territoréy, such cession to be coextensrve territorially with the said permits 0 April twenty-second, nineteen hundred and twelve, and April tenth, nineteen hrmdred and fourteen, and to terminate wi their expiration: Provided, That jurisdiction %*•_${,em,,s_ to try and punish crimes committed within said portions of said military reservations prior to the date that thm cession becomes effective is reserved to the United States: Pmoidebrazixgudher, That the ,°{;‘§§°P°““°° "’ "‘“‘ cession of jurisdiction made by this resolution s not take effect ` until the same is accepted by the legislature of the State of California: And promkled further, That when the United States shall resume ,,,}‘,,‘§§§‘,§"'E,, 1,*,,,,; essession of the said lands or any part thereof, the jurisdiction ¤¤¤¤· herein ceded over lands so repossessed shall revest in the United States. Approved, October 22, 1914. N . 55. Join lution Authorizin the a. onto October salaries iii rs °°*°l’°' 2*·m‘· ani] gmplolyees ofttl§e6S·enate and House oglteprieisgiintrttiveg on the day of adjdgrriimcsnt [S` J' ms' mu`] of the present session. {run. Res., Ne. sa.] Resolved be the Senate and House o Re eeenlatives 0 the United States of Amizrika in Congress assemblfed, That the Secrgtary of the °Q£3 Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are §g°g8b;'·°}°;f,,°:},°{*,$§ hereby, authorized and instructed to pay to the officers and employees mem. of the Senate and House of Re resentatives, including the Capitol olice, home upon the annual andp session rolls, their respective salaries lim the month of October, nineteen hundred and fourteen, on the day of adjournment; and the Clerk of the House is authorized to pay on ,,,2'f'“D§}§§,,§§s_“§fg“(; said day to Members, Delegates, and resident commissioners then' fgsidsut ¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- allowances for clerk hire for said month of October: Provaled, That Promo. the session employees of the Senate and House of Representatryes s,S·’g}j}Q,"g*;§,‘§§§;§,S_’°‘ shall be paid hereunder for the entire month of October and a suiH· cient sum is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for that purpose. Approved, October 23, 1914.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/802