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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/808

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790 SIXTY·TH`IRD CONGRESS. SIDS- III. CBB. 1-4. 1914,1915. ‘·°"” “°* Sw. 12. That nothing` contained in this Act shall be construed iiwsfgicsf to impair, alter, amend, or repeal any of the provisions of the Act of Cogngress approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, entitl "An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbran ed or poisonous, or deleterious oods drugs, medicines, and hquors, and for regulating traiiic therein, and n, fl

    • "*“,P·’ ···- for other gprposes, and any amendment thereoii or of the_Act

alp ved ebruary math, mneteen hundred an mne, entitled ‘ Kilo Act to prohibit the 1mportation and use of opium for other than medicinal purposes," and any amendment thereo . Approved, December 17, 1914. D°°°¤i§?;g’ NM CHAP. 2.-·An Act To amend an Act, entitled "An ict codify, rerilse, and [Public, Nm ml $1§e?;\laws relating to the ]ud1mary, approved Man: third, nmeteen undred Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United ’°***°*=·** °°°°- States ofAme1··iea in Congress assembled, Tlllit section two hundred ,,,,`{Q‘{,§,,d‘{"· *’· lm- and thirty-seven of chapter ten of an Act entitled ‘f An Act to codify revise, and amend the laws relating to the ]ud1ciary," approved

 third, niripteieril hundred and eleven, is hereby amen ed by

ad' teretot e oowing: S¤r¤¤¤•¤<»¤r¢· “It shall be com tent for the Su reme Court to uirc, by cer-

¤»°£.m`Ts"¢.‘a °“€:§tdé tiorari or otherwise Thy such case to lilo certified to thergiipreme Count i

§',f,‘,§,§,“°$"'¥,,,‘}{,,§" 2} forélts review alpd on, the gpalme power a}nd autpprtilg ¤¤¤¤i¤¤» ¤¤¢¤¤=¤» M- in ecase as `— it n y ap orwn o error P°"°’p' M Supreme Court, although the decision in such case may have been in favor of the validity of the treaty or statute or authority exercised under the United States or ma have been against the validity of the State statute or authorit claimed to be repugnant to the Constitution, treaties, or laws ofy the United States, or in favor of the title, right, privilege, or immunity claimed imder the Constitution, treaty, statute, commission, or authority of the United States. Approved, December 23, 1914. Derember28 l9l4. n.R.6sé:•. CHAP. 3.—An Act To increase and fix the com nsation nf the collector of

 customs for the customs collection district of Omaha. pc

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House o{_Representati·ves of the United §»§,”;?°"§;}‘ c,,u,,,,,.,,, States of America in Congress assembled, That the compensation of the ggg;3 ·’¤°"°*· *¤· collector of customs for the customs collection district of Omaha ' shall be increased from $2,500 per annum, as provided in the plan of recgganization of the customs service promulgated by the President on arch third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, to $3,500 per annum, and that compensation at the said rate of $3,500aper annum shall be paid to the said collector of customs from and ter June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen. Approved, December 28, 1914. I°¤°¤*’Y2· 1915- GBLAJP. 4.-An Ac Gran the consent of Congrem to N llr•Berkle

 Bridge Corporation, of/QV to construct a bridge across thtehilastgrrli) Branch cd

(Public. Nc. 226.] rhe Elizabeth River IH Vugmia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representattves dthe United E,§;*,§gg Rgijgch °' States of America in Confess assembled, That the consent of Congress Bxgzdmeix-nmrisy ig hereby granted to the Norfolk-Berkley Bridge Corp0ration,_ at m§`,·g%$§§§°§t°t§`$£ co or-ation duly existing under the laws of the State of Virginia, ‘°“‘·“* amid) its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate