Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/103

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`1316 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sms. II. C11. 193. 1914. www B°'“°“- The name of Bartlett, late of Comlpany B, Eighteenth Regiment Missouri Volenteer Infantry, and pay 1m_a_pension at the rate of $30 per month m heu of that he is now receiving. m···»·~ 1.25*aam 0* L°am·;.“a‘ame “<“*°w.°tt.¥*m+*°i S·.2‘;;*s¤~ o many ven n egimen ois oun r av-

I»_.,.,,,.m§¤,ch,5,tg£. alpyilaud pag her a pension at the rate of $12&81‘ month. _
    • °¤**° · _ e name of Thomm J. Chilton, late of mpany E, Fifteenth

_ Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at p.,,,,,,,,,_ the rate of $36 gieimonth m lieu of that he is now receiving. I¤°¤* —*¤¤°¤· The name of bel Arneson widow of Arne Ameson, late of Comons · 0 H1

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wm A- “**"- The mips or wmnm A. riyior, na. of Comp-elply G, sevmai Regiment Indiana Volunteer and pay a pension at e I rate of $30 per month m heu of t he is now receiving; °"“T‘ I‘°' Thehneime of Johlhl-lg`. Lsxe, Ilate of glefmpany B, fue uhhlelred and t egiment 'oiso tee an an ay`apen- Aww siorph at the ratefog$20 per finrontuilil inhheu of tgt? he is iiaeiw i;e}ee;vinigLh;h ' e name 0 ugust , te t — Regiment Wisconsin Voluntgeuigslnfanugi, an<lngily1I1im’a pension at V Am the rate of $30 pgomonth in lieu of that he isnow receiving. °°°'“° '° The name of rge Van Atta, late of Company F, First Rehgiment United States Veteran Engineers and pay him a pension at e rate of $30 per month in lieu 0 that he is now receiving. W““'“'* w*¥’P°"· The name_ of William Wippow, late of Company I, Nineteenth . Regiment Illmois Volunteer antry and pay lnm_a pension at the rate of $24 per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. ,§°‘“"""° 1** mp' The name of Ben'amin L. Shepard, late of Company C, Sixteenth Retgirrieggo Missouri (`éaéelliyla and pay him a pension at the ra o permon m euo t isnowr eiv1ng` . ‘m°“‘°·““°“" The name of Allen C. Mager, late of) Compan;c E, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ’“'“°‘ “"‘°" The name of James Uzzle, late of Company I, E eventh Regiment zehtucky Vegluntelehr pay him a pension at the rate of mon m uo theisn receiv` . ’°’°"‘·"·"°‘°"· Tlittname of Joseph A. Beach, Lal.: of Coxhlgany F, Twenty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the W rate of $24 per menth in lieu of that he is now receiving. ‘“'“’° ”““°· The name of William Dunn, late of Com any I, Fifty-eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry and payliim a pension at the rate mob L Dwich of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receivin' ‘ ° The name of Jacob L. Detrich, late of Battery , First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay him a pension at Mdhm Buch the rate of $30 Kar month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of ddison Buck, late of Company G, Seventeenth Regiment United States Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of Pmim $531per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. _ seams., H. pm. e name of Samantha H. Farr, former widow of George H, Ehnggr late of Company B,_Sixty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry: Pmimmmm and pay her a {pension at the rate of $12 per month. amm1.r.w¤s0£i. The name o Amasa J. T. W`1lson, late of Company K, Sixth R ‘- ment Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at line mm B Swm rate of $30 per month in heu of that he is now receiving. ' p' _ The nemo of John B. Swoap, late of Company F, One hundred and mnety-nmth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him_a_ pension at the rate of $30 per month m heu of that he IS now Agnes A. H . Capita. recylglhvlngi f . , _ e name o Agnes A. H. Capito, widow of John M. Capito, late of Company K, Seventeenth Regiment West Vuginia Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving.