Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/105

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1318 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sm. 11. oe. 193. 1914.

  • ’°¤“""j”'“”'{'°"· The name of Jesse P. Moten late of Com an G N` t -third

iw? mm Retgin}e§;00hio Voltulpteelii Infspiithry, land pay himya pendiolii yat the 1-ao permonmeuo ateisnor". °"'°“ B·B°"‘°"· The name_0f _Carroll B. Beasley, late of Cvgmcpifiny 5, Elighteenth mama :;.‘;2L“;*.t°.*::.3::£·.1::.*:¤.:¤.2:;.>; *m.··..·.P°¤—¤.°¤ 1* M ’*'*”’““' °“"’°’· The name of Thomas Carder late of Com any G, Second R ent v¥6;:0V-].l'§Ili8 `lglnntjeer Cpgtlryiland pay a pension at age rate o permon in euo at eisn " . M"Y'· °"'*· The name of Mary J . Clark, widow oi)§o§i:¥`lnC1§1rk late of Oompoany L, First Reigment Illmoxs Volnmteer Artillery, and pay mg; pension at e rate of $20 per month m eu of that she is now Vmg- . D°vmm°°°y' The name of David Kinsey, late of Com any K, Ninety-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and paypbim a pension at the mm Num rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of James Nolan, late landsman, United States Navy, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. M °` mi p.Z1.`§‘?“§';$§£t?.£?.‘f‘1}°i»°‘ E·'id°" E? Wim £'§°°1$?"° °f °°'”& 1 _ egimen onnec cu o un r lggalyohver a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu otlntth-gt zglie receiving. P°"’°°“‘ -ThenameofAnnEHth' f ' an umn; _ a . e c n, rm d i J °¤¤Alm ° Hothermgton, late of Complany Mrfngond llitegliinevhlt (l’v;n;syl:?1i mm mmm Volunteer Cavalg, and pay er a pension at the rate of $12 er month. m,,,b,,¤,H,,mm,;,,_ The name of lizabeth Hamilton, widow of George T. Illamilton late_of Company A, One hundred and thirty-fifth Regiment Pennsyl; vama Volunteer Infantry, pay her a_pension at the rate of $20 P mm per month m lieu of that she IS now receiving. gn, Gjmm,,,u_ The na.me_ of Anna G. Mitchell, hegpless a11d_ dependent child of Patrick J. M1tchell, late of Compames and F, Sixty-ninth Regiment lac; YLoI:li)IVJ<1dunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $v°"mi’lZ'£’é‘;§’5??“' Tg: name of William Capps, late of Cemlpmy I, Om, hundred md Eftyjfourth Regiment Ilhnons Volunteer nfantrg, and pay him a pension at the rate of_$30 month 111 lieu of that e is now receivin . w“““‘ °·""““’· Tlw Ramp of William g?rSmith, late of Company L, sixth Rag?. 11;ent Illmois Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him_ a_ pension at the rate Rohm mu o $30 per month in lieu of that he IS now recenvm . ‘ Thpnztlrne of Robert Hill, late unassi%§;l1, '1’§irty-fourth Regimen ors Volunteer Infantry and pay _ a pension at the rate Gems W Rohm. of $24 per month in lieu of that he IS now receiving. ,0,,, · gba {wma of George W. Robinson, late of Company A, one hundred an thirty-ztlurd Regiment New York Vohmteer Infantry and a l1;cu;ia_pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that rhe is go; ’“°°’ T‘T“"'°" The name of Jam T. T 1 l te f Co ' Regiment Indiana Vlyluntegrll EHTSIII. 0 andmpgnyhigm S°°°y"S°v°”°h the rate or seo 11 · r ·P Y ’* P°“S‘°” "" umm, MCDQP per mont m 1eu of t at_he IS now rece1v11§§. ,,,,,,_ laghefngmo of Margaret McDermott, widow of Hu h Dio ermett, Artmz zrllgalziy 1%, Fifth Regiment New York Vcgunteer Heavy of thatzila is Ipwyr er a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu §§,'§,§°f{·_Kmu,_ The name of Sa;:l(iwlIigKrout, helpless and dependent child of goal: Kroigililate of Comp]al.n1y· H, One hundred and ninety-second met§1H}ent2 0 Volunteer anbry, and pay her a pension at the wL‘§.°;°"‘“°"· Th; ;fni€¤iii>h§`AS 1 4; { · R ment Ohio Volunteer I11fpa1(iFtiy,aa`i1d) pgymhgleng. lgieniildifvailflalhe rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving