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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/16

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PRIVATE ACTS OF THE SIXTYTHIRD CONGRESS or mm UNITED STATES Passed at the jirst session, which was beigun and held at the cit cj Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the seventh day of zlpng, 1918, and terminated Monday, the first day of December, 1913. Woonnow Wnson, President; Tnouss R. Mansmnn, Vice President; James P. CLARKE, President of the Senate gym tempore; F. M. Smmons, Acting President of the Senate go tempore, Septem er 15 and 18, 1913; JOHN RA1~m0L1>11 T11011N- ·1·0N, Acting resident of the Senate pro tempore, November 3 to 29, 1913; Gunn CLARK, Speaker of the House of Representatives. e0‘$E‘;...¥;2£’{§ &“i‘;°g'§f§ t§1"»‘3.}.’°.??'f‘.‘:I"i.*..1°L,,““..,%‘;,‘?,‘;,°?"i"' ‘° "‘° ‘°“““ "°'¤%‘?"¤¥‘¥'¥$£?"" " " [Private, No. 1.] Be it enactedbg the SenateandH'ouseo R of t/ne United States of America in Congress assembler; That there is hereby author- ${’,€‘,}L‘?,{‘2,{"},‘§‘,;,,,,,_ ized to beegaid, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriat , out of humane consideration and withoutreference to the question of liability therefor, to the Italian Government as full indemnity to the heirs of Angelo Albano, an Italian subject who was killed by an armed mob at Tampa, Florida, on the twentieth day of September, nineteen hundred and ten, the sum of $6,000. Approved, November 14, 1913. 96497°—v01. 35-14 2--1 1229