1232 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. M H. Cns. 22, 23. 1914. ¤¤- ¤ii1`°“ 3.§”.¤.&ss:’:§”a$v€¤“vi’s?Z¤‘¥E‘e¤.m””"°”.e$%?..“md d¢§€¤p3$‘§1°?e't'%$°sZt2}“..$Z°a LZ?} xrumsm. an an ora. hu., B itenaded theSe»nate and House of Resentatives dthe United Stat; of Amergya in Congress assembkd, 'lggzt the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws-—
'£h of Jame&1:1’. Culto1Blsg: of (fic;11]?any D, Regprniii
an utenant an en e ent entu 0 unteer Infantri, and pallyphiusi a pension at thelrgalte of $50 p:r month · in lieu of that e is now receiving. _ V Hhm uy. The name of Hiram Lay, late of Company B, National Guards Tennessee, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month m lieu of that he is now receivmg. W¤¤h¤¤¤»·B~w¤- The name of William L. Brown, late of Company A, Ijirst ment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at e rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now
- """'*'•°‘”"¥· The name of Emanuel Sandusky, late of Company C, Thirtieth
Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infant , and a him a . . . YK . P Y . . mm Ku peniggn at the lgllggl-340 E;·ym<i;1g1 1:} lg: of that Fe iésigpgv sr - name o e , o m any egunen gzntucky Vplllunteier C¥1;v51l1;{,hand pay :l1iI11l?8· pension at the rate of 1, I mon m euo a eisnowrecei . ngman r. mans of F. Niedprriiiter, latgnigliomping A, Ngngy- · egnmen ennsylvama teer ' 1, , I , pension at the rate of $12 morlthl? muy, m Pay · IaryI.9yIt. The name of M:§y_J. §t, widow of Thomas W. Swift, junior, late acting emign, mted_States Navy, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month m lieu of that she is now receiving. Approved, February 19, 1914. Fauna; GEL?. 28.- Act ‘ ° grtaju * ¤¤- eiiim ¤¤_¤»u¤»» ¤r zniiisivu we i°£»$°€Q}`°¤I°ifi°$·"ii$»°'i°si1° $i»*§°§.i?1`$$€i°$£ava $1% [Private, us. s.] ¤¤¥d1¤¤ •·¤d ••i\¤!¤· _ Be it enacted the Senate and H R entatives ° »·-·.. sm. .,· AME". a 00..,,... a.‘ZL."’zfz§2{ {Elia. sm3{Z;‘> Z”‘fi'Z Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the penslfn roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension Ws- P¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤r¤•¤•¤- The name f Margaret Liddl 'd f S lLiddl l ·····-··· we usenet e2mp.¤y E, ns€’ ii“..g?£’.Y.§.t Ein v¤¤?.2.t‘I.2‘}°°°"“‘i Artillery and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month of gist she is pc}; receiving. Iaura sam. e name o _ ura Adam, widow of Geo G0 d Ad late f Company H, Ninth Regiment Iowa Volunfgegre Inflanzily, anadxpay hgr a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now 1, I rece1vmg. nw ri Fauna. The name of Mary E. Smith, now Faught former widow of James L. 1:ht-or capgain Cplmpany M, Tenth ltegiment Michigan Volun r av , an a th mam. rh. name of cnn1*;s5i1sirs$·li°iiiSi§I$r°i10m(;»ii¤t° if E1‘Z$Z.‘2fe‘2“i’i“”*: ‘ ment Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, and pay llimra pension at iis mm- Sm '“*fh‘E£§E§é’§¥ smm°°i1*hs"§1°`%£f ni? ° }"J“°.% '.§°°"‘“ti; . m1 wr , ‘ · dier general, UnitedyStates Attn aiidr oa {hr r a Sm} , law briga- . . Y, _ p y e pension at the rate of $30 per month m lieu of that she is now receiving.