1946 PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. ·*¤“**‘*°'**'*¤*'¤~ This roclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of any v°L3"p`m` lands hleretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of Congress a proved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and srx,_ent1tled "An Act ,1% provide for the entry of Agrrcultural lands wrthm forest reserves. ’ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. _ Done at the City of Washington this nineteenth day of May, rn the year of our Lord one thousand mne undred and [SEAL.] thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-seventh. WOODBOW’WILSON By the President: ` W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State. ¥•¥*’·*°“- Br rm: Prmsrnmrrr or run Urwrrnn Srrnrzs or Aunnrca A PROCLAMATION 1,§,•”,‘"’°{d*§h§•“¤* WHEREAS an Executive Order dated June twenty-sixth, nineteen rminma hundred and eitgtht, directed that a rtron of the Sawtooth National Forest, within e State of Idaho, shhuld be known as the Sawtooth National Forest; and WHEREAS certain reaxgustments are n in the interforest boundaries of the awtooth, Challis, Le `, and Salmon National Forests, within the State of Idaho, and the Beaverhead National Forest, within the States of Idaho and Montana; and certain lands should be eliminated from the said Sawtooth, Challis, Lemhi, and Salmon National Forests; ¢;*{f;,*';{";f’•“· Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States ’ of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (30 tat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitle "An Act Making afgpropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the al year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hrmdred and ninemight, and for other pur- £_oses," do proclaim that the boundaries of t , the Sawtooth National
- "‘“·P¥’· ”’“‘”“· orest, and the boundaries of the above-mentioned Beaverhead,
Challis, Lemhr, and Salmon National Forests are, hereby changed as showin on the diagram forming a part hereof and on the diagrams forming parts of the proelamations for the other above·mentioned Forests which I have also signed this same day; and that this, the Sawtooth proclamation, and the said other above—mentioned roclamatrons are made and are intended to be and shall be considgered A"° °'•°°°**· as one act to become effective simultaneously; and that it is not rntended by this proclamation nor by an of the other above-mentroned proclamatrons to reserve any land, not heretofore embraced rn a National Forest in either of the above-mentioned States, nor to release any land from this, the Sawtooth National Forest, nor from any of the sa1d_ above—mentioned National Forests except those areas shown as ehnnnations on the diagrams forming parts of this, the Sawtooth, and of the Challis, Lemhi, and Salmon proclamations. d,§ gQ‘ The lands herem elrminated from the Sawtooth National Forest are ne, K 36 ’ hereby withdrawn under the Act of June twenty-fifth, nineteen hun- °' ""8"‘ dred and ten (36 Stat., 847), for classification, and will, when compatrble with public interests, be restored to settlement and entry under the laws applicable thereto on such dates as shall be fixed by ge of e Interior and after such notice as he may deem vrsa e.