1948 r12ocLAMAr1oNs, 1913.
BY rim Pnnsmmrr or- rm: Umrnn Sryrms or Aumuoa
A PROCLAMATION ·*¤¤°'°S N°“°¤°l WHEREAS it ars that the public good will be promoted by Figgizigniilé. elimixfatilrég cer*t1a.i%p}l;nds within the State of California from the Axiée es ation orest; Q,{_*{°3*},*¤,§*'g‘é*f*°°- ow, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States ' ’ of America, by vn·tue of the power in me vested by the Act of Coness approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven ill) Stat., 11-34), entitled ‘ ‘An Act Making agprolpnations for sundry civil exglpenselstozf tlhe gogerngnent for tlie scézf yearil ending June t 'et , eig n un e an mnety-eig t, an or other urposes," do proclaim that the boundaries of the Angeles Nationalgkxiest are hereby changecll andf that they are now as shown on the agram ormm` ga art ereo . ,,,§§}§fjf,§_‘;,s,¤m‘{,?,§§; The and; herein eliminated from the Angeles National Forest are M20] 36 W hereby withdrawn under the Act of June twenty-Efth, mneteen hunv»é ?`~¥ Ll$°"J"}"..‘°“s.1., (3** S$’ Efltfi Zli?1°“€i".E`1v'°"($]?°s*€°€ °§9‘?§`g`E“ · · · en - o mne w e a ., or classiiibation, and will, when compatible with the public interesth, be restored to settlement and entry under the laws aptghcable thereto 31 such lriatesfas shall] be fixézd y tlhe Siizretary of e Interior and te noiceas emay eemavisa . $zfi¢;,·¤,1¢¤¤,§:;¤¤d¤- Tliizupzroclamation shall not prevent the sgttlement and entry of any °' ’°` lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled ‘ ‘An Act , 0 provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves! . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States be affixed. Dm it zitiahassa 1rzmy·SsV.i.2.th1;*ay.1:*dMi¤;1 e ye u usan e un e an [sm.L.] thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States the one·hundred and thirty-seventh. Woonnow W1LsoN By the President: W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State. my KL 1°*¤*· Br rua Pnnsmmrr or rnn Umrnn Srxms or Aunmca, A PROCLAMATION. l 0m*"j’prj§gc*§,,,gf*“ M WHEREAS, by the first article of the Convention between the Gov- `ryeaaqbne. lm ernments of the mted States, Great Britain, Japan and Russia for ° " " "‘ ‘ the presiervatgon ar;dtpr<1rItect1ip; ofighegur seals anil ::;:1:1 otter which frequentt ewaerso the ort ac c cean c tW hin July seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven, it igugrgvildell as fbllowgion "The High Contracting Parties mutually and reciprocally a%ee taht? $61Y izmzensgn sub]ects gesgectznvely, and all persons su ec ·eirawsan treaties,an teirvsel, hll -· hibilted, while this Convention remains in forc(;,SfrgnFe?1gag(ir1pri)!1 e par eono anuean mc t r ‘$l“?lii’€i2l1§g “·$iw2tB“;..11‘1*’t¢,N.¥"hEaitctceai Bai 0* Bering, Kamchatka, Okhotsk and Japan, anduthlgg evzry {sich person and vessel offending against such prohibition ma be seized, except within the termtorial jurisdiction of one oiy the