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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/761

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1968 PROGLAMATIONS, 1913. November 21,1913. Br mn Pansmmm or Tun Um·rm> Surms or Amnmca. A PROCLAMATION. mB¤*°S ’ I, WOODRQW WHJSON, President of the United _States of rmmcmn America, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by V¤1·37. 1>·56¤· the Act 0 Congress, approved August twenty-fourth,_ mneteen hundred and twelve,_ to provide for the opening, mamtenance, protection and operation 0 the Panama Canal an the samtation and government of the Canal Zone, do hereby Erescnbe and proclaim the glgules for the)dM£asureme1&t of Vesse forfthe Pamupa al, w `c are annex eret0•an 0 a part 0 proc a- mation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-first day of November m_the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [sun,.] girteengnd of thedmdependeilicle of the United States eoneun ant'y-eigt. B the d t Woonnow WILSON y' OI! I ‘ W J. Baum Secretary of State. RULES FOB THE fil" VESSELS FOR THE PANAIA l • A11v¤¤¤1s¤>1¤¤¤¤¤¢ A1mcmI.All vemels,Ame1icanandf ° t rshi ,° ld' Is ,Q“"“g°_ °°°'“'““" “ gi commerce and Army and Na? trans;?oI:tslg:¤e<$ll§2€ri; sii§plyp§hi1;e§ Ihridlghxgiiial _ ps, applying for passage throug ’the Panama Canal sha present a_du1y aut enltnuciated stating the vessel s gross and net tonnage as determined by these h es,ml guise o_ y and {my transports, collxers, supply ships, and beo?p1 be pg] :71 cgut su cate s , before passing throng the canal, or mto: mgdetgw _ to c1l1eaa1(;;•herefr(§>°m,wil;1e gilzgurnelcg and shall have their gross and . All warships American and fo the than transpo. rts, lli 1 d hospital ships, shall present duly aul§ent‘icat;d displacement scalcg ariads vessels das N acppmtayb e toémage of dlisplacemept :.]I;1eac’h¤Ko·Eible:1m($an draft. U ,,, __1s e1m_e t_a"sup `_ inuoArm dN - ..g‘,jf{1l§;_,,““‘P“ ““d muon ships, refrigerator ships, dxstillirngqships, repair subrilslrline tgxildreiisljusiiaud destzyer tenders, as well as Army andn a vessels to transpprt general Army gd avyrtsucygpgigpglaegiéhat colliers include Army and avy vessels used RULES APPLYING T0 VESSELS OF OOIDIERGE ARMY AND 1gAV'§ TRANBPOBTS. OOLLIZEBS, SUPPLY SHIPS, Ahfb HOSPITAL ososs romuem. ¤··¥'·`¥·*‘·*¥¤e¥"$`“~»`*-?·»Z‘?»? c.,;‘i§e,?tr $m1'°“ ..,"l'T“.§T*?°¤.2“ .¤H°°”&'3§?fn 'ZZ¤€£‘§?;?0?“l‘if ;p'*$s°1?r§i3°.€°t{.';°u”},2€ ggggpzpd $3111 permapsexgltgy pgvleged and cl0sed;1;€?aces on or abofw: that dlick, ¤P8¢0¤ r rmi as ex t umm. ment. tonnage shall iimlude not permanentl;(;¤<ii>)vi;)rIr;.d arid glosed-in

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, c iniglrhded tghbe used, in and serving the vezusel. as am i or are ysu spacesasa ll ed' ArtileIV shall exempted egxeasuremetgigipeih blhzr nshallul»e sifgxed-in mill shall emo u mgross mge. sigznargdshall Magi? Am-. III. By permanently covered and closed·in spaces on or above the upper covered and closed-ih deck We to l?€ ¤¤d¤¤•¤><>d %H *}*069 Whidl We ¤€P¤·¤t€<l off by decks or coverings, ,pw,_ or iixedbgart1t.1ons, and which, therefore, represent an increase of capacity that is or may used for e stowage of cargo, or or the berthing and accommodation of