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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/774

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PROCLAMATION S, 1913. 1981 RULES APPLYING TO VESSELS OF WAR, OTHER. THAN ARMY AND §AV'§ TRANSPQRTS, COLLIEBS, SUPPLY SHIPS, AND HOSPITAL ABT. XIX. The toll on warships, other than Army and Na transports oolliers, ’f¤l¤ ¤P°¤,W¤’$hiP¤ supply ships, and hosglital ships, shall be based upon their tonnvgge of actual’displace- §£',‘f,l:a]b° ment at the time of eir application for through the canal. 'l`he displace- upon arrlvslst canal. ment tonnag? of such warships shall be t lacement before the vemels have taken on suc coal, fuel oil, stores, or supplies as may be purchased and taken on board after arrival at the canal for transit through the same. Am-. XX. "Warships" in the meaning of Articles XIX to XXIV shall be consid- "W¤¤h*P¤" d•¤¤¤d· ered to be all vessels of war, other than Army and Navy transports, colliers, hospital ships, and supply ships, as defined in Article I. Warships are vessel of Government ownershi that are being employed by their owners for military or naval purposes.

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PVS P¤,9·¤ 0¤P1 P¤¤¤ ¢ m · ¤P°¤¤ Ying !P¤¤¤¤£¤ smnér seagthe Panama Canal shall, in order to facilitate the ascertairlirlinent of its mean draftrlbe nated ggsggzllmr or anchored or placed at such station or location as shall be designated by the Governor Pmm Cam]- of the Panama Canal or by the officials authorized to act for . Ama XXII. The commander of every warship, other than Army and Navy trans- %t°:°°;‘_ ports, oolliers, supply) ships, and hospital ships (as defined in Art. 3; agplying for ups dyplwmwtgmk, passage through the anama Canal shall exhibit for examination by e vernor of ummvu. the Panama Canal or by the officials authorized to act for the Governor of the Panama Canal an official docmnent containing the vessel’s curve of displacement, its curves for addition to displacement for change of trim, and a. scale so arranged that the displacement at any given mean draft is shown. Such document or documents shall be issued and be certified as correct by competent authorities of the Government to which the vemel belongs. _ Ama XXIII. The actual displacement of warships shall be determined from their mAb°:“§ ofhcial displacement scale and curves, and shall be eigpremed in tons of 2,240 pounds. w be sxpmgss gi; km Should the displacement scale and curves of a warship show or state the vesse1’s dis- of 2,240 p¤¤¤dsglacement tonnage in metric tons of 2,204.62 pounds, the tonnage so expressed shall e multiplied by 0.9842 for the purpose of couverting the tonnage into tons of 2,240 pOlligS`1¤¤v shone my warship other than Arm me Navy transports, mum d R¤?,,g,g*,’ °g°·;m*¤*¤= · • 1 . 1 Wal'- supyily ships, and hospital ships (as delined in Articgn I) apply for passage through Jig mr szliygig run the anama Canal an , for reasons satisfactory to the Governor of Panama Canal, d¤vl¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤|¤ md not have on board the duly certiiied document or documents specified m Article °“"°“· XXII, the Governor of the Panama Canal, or the odicials authorized to act for him, shall then determine the displacement of the vessel, using such_rel1able data as may be available, or by taking such dimensions of the vessel and using such approximate methods as may be considered necessary and racticable. The displacement tonnage so determined shall be considered to be the displacement of the vessel.