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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/782

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. 1989 not ppply to such lands in the Hawaiian Islands, but the Congress of the nited States shall enact special laws for their management and disp-§sition· _ D WIHEREAS, it IS deemed necessary in the public interests that a certain piece and parcel of land situated at Laupahoehoe Point, on the Island of Hawaii, in the Territory and District of Hawaii, in the United States of America, be immediately reserved for lighthouse oses; Puiiiow THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of I·ggtjs°*¤"•d fw the United States, by virtue of the authority in me vested, do hereby M p°"°°°°°' declare, proclaim and make known that the said ieee and parcel of land situated at Laupahoehoe Point, on the Islang of Hawaii, in the Territory and District of Hawaii, be and the same is hereby, subject to such legislative action as the Conigress of the United States may take with respect thereto, reserved or lighthouse purposes, to wit: Beginning at a. 2-inchéalvanized iron Epo at the North corner of D¤°**P**°¤· gant 884 to John Van outen and the ast corner of grant 885 to ahawai and Kaheana, which bears 99° 47' true, 130.0 feet from Laupahoehoe Triangulation Station and the coordinates of said eint of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station "Pap,aaloa" are 9,335.1 feet North and 4,174.3 feet West, and running y true azimuths: . 1. 337 ° 05’, 335.0 feet along grant 884 to a 2-inch galvanized iron pipe, thence 2. 314° 35’, 83.5 feet along government land to a A cut in on rock at sea shore, thence 3. Along high water mark following the sinuosities of the sea shore to a A cut in on rock; the true azimuth and distance from the {point of beginning to said A cutin on rockbeing 154° 50’, 38.7 feet, thence 4._334° 50', 38.7 feet along government land to the point of be- Containvipig an area of 1.35 acres more or lem. IN WI ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. _ Done at the City of Washin%ton this fourteenth day of J anuary, m the year of our Lor one thousand nine hundred and our- [smL.] teen and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. Woonnow Winsor:. By the President: W. J. Baum Secretary of State. Br me Pansrnmrr or rrm Unrrmn Srrarms or Aumuca ·'·¤¤**Y **· **1*- A PROCLANATION WHEREAS an Executive Order dated February seventeenth, ·t°*1f,'S’[:£lx_*““‘lF“‘ nineteen hundred and twelve, directed that those parts of the Jicanlla 1*mm¤1•. Apache Indian Reservation included in the Carson National Forest, New Mexico, b proclamation of March second, nineteen hundred V•>*· “·P·“”*°· and ninei shouldr be restored to the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation· an WHEREAS it appears that the public good will be Npromoted by adding certain Forest lands the State of New exxco to the Carson National Forest, and by eliminating therefrom certain lands and restoring the public lands therein in a manner authorized by the Act of Congress approved September thirtieth, nineteen hundred Aw. 1>· 118-