1992 PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. February 3.1914- By nm Pnnsmnrrr or- mn Umrnn Srarns or Amnnroa A PROCLAMATION. Mcxlw- Whereas, by a Proclamation of the President issued on March 14, $§i?;'$l°{Z°j..eeo,r1ss. 1912, under a Joint Resolution of Congress approved b%dthe President on the same day, it was declared that there existed in exico conditions of domestic violence which were romoted by the use of arms or mimitions of war procured from the U)nited States; and - Whereas, by the Joint Resolution above mentioned it thereupon became unlawful to export arms or munitions of war to Mexico except under such limitations and exceptions as the President should rescribe: P¤>h¤>i¤¤¤ ¤¤¤*¤5* P Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United £°§°:$€£"”" °°°" States of America, hereby declare and proclaim that as the conditions on which the Proclamation of March 14, 1912, was based have essentially changed, and as it is desirable to place the United States with reference to the exportation of arms or munitions of war to Mexico in the same position as other Powers, the said Proclamation is hereby revoked. IN F I have hereunto set my hand and caiispd the stelal theélrpgted States tmc afiixecg f F b neat e`t ash1ngto` n ‘th11’d· ao eruary, in the year? of our Lord one thoimand nine hundred and four- [snu.] teen and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. . Woomzow Wmson By the President: W. J. Barn: Secretary of State. 1·‘¤¤r¤¤ry¤. 1914- By mn Pnnsmnrrr or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION ml·°§,§hN;%6g§j°F°’· WEREAS an Executive Order dated March sixteenth, nineteen rmmm. hundred and nine, directed that the La Salle National Forest, in Utgh and Colorado, should be known as the La Sal National Forest; an WHEREAS it appears that the public good will be promoted by adding certain Forest lands within the State of Utah to the La Sal National Forest, and bg eliminating therefrom certain lands in the States of Colorado and tah and restoring the public lands therein in ,4»a,p.na. a manner authorized by the Act of Congress approved September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitled An Act To authorize the President to rovide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or witherawal, and for other purposes ’; Am mamma. Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United V°l· 2*% P· ¤°3· States of America, b§virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress approved arch third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one (26 tat., 1095), entitled "An Act To repeal timber·culture laws, and V°‘· 3°·P- 3°· for other giprposesf and also by the Act of Congress approved June fourth, eig teen hundred and ninety-seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the Escal ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eigJht, and flbr other purposes/’ do proclaim that the boundaries of the a Sal National Forest are hereby changed to include the areas indicated as additions on the diagram hereto annexed
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/786