2000 PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. 8, Fit out and arm1ng` , or attempting to fit out and arm, or proc be fitted out and armed,_or kriowinggibeing conciernegg m the furm] brng' fitf out, or arming o any p or vesse wr intent that such,shi HS? vessel shall be employed m the service of either of the said beHigerents. _ _ _ _ 9. I¤u.ir;§or delivering a commission within the territory or jurisdiction of e United States for any ship or vessel to the intent that she ma be employed as aforesaid. _ _ 10. lhcreasing or a enting, or procuring to be increased or augmented, or knowinglyliging concerned in increasigg or augmenting, the force of any ship of war, cruiser, or other arm vessel, which at the time of her arrival within the United States was a shi _ of war, cruiser, or armed vessel in the service of either of the said bellrgerents or belonging to the subjects of either, by adding to the number of guns of such vessels or by changing those on board of her for guns of a palibre, or by the addition thereto of any equipment solely app 'ca e to war. _ _ _ 11. Begmmng° orset onfootcrproviding orpreparrng the means for any n or enttgiprise to e carried on from the territory or 'unsdiction of the Uni States against the territories or dominions ol either of the said belligerents. ,,g§;;*;*s '•¤¤•’¤ °‘ *‘°" And I do hereby further declare proclaim that any frequentgg naeéum on. in and use of the waters within the territorial jurisdiction of the Uni °'”“°"‘""'“"‘ States by the armed vesseb of a belhgerent, whether public ships or privateers for the purpose of preparing for hostile operations, or as posts of observation upon the ships of war or grvateers or merchant vessels of a belljgerent withm or being a ut to enter the jurisdiction of the nited tates must be mrxarded as tmfrimdly and offensive, and in violation of, that neu ty which it is the determination of this government to observe; and to the and that the hazard and inconvenience of such apprehended practices may be avoided, I further proclaim and declare that from and after the fifth day of Auast instant, and during the continuance of the present hostilities tween Austria-Hungary and Servia, and Germany and Russia, and Germany and France, no ship of war or privateer of an
t shall be to malge use of any rt, harbor, road?
s , or waters subject to the jurisdiction of the Uonited States from which a vesml of an opposing belligerent (whether the same shall be a ship of war, a prxvateer, or a merchsmt ship) shall have reviously departed, until after the expiration of at least twenty}-fourh)o11rs from the departure of such last·mentioned vemel beyond e 'urisdiction of the United Statesn If egg ship of war or grivateer of a belligerent shall, after the time this no cation takes e ect, enter any rt, harbor, roadstead, or waters of the United States, such vessefghall be required to_depart and to put to sea within twenty-four hours after her entrance mto such port, harbor, roadstead, or waters, except in case of stress of weather or of her requiring provisions or things necessary for the subsistence of her crew or for repairs; in an of which cases the authorities of the port or of the nearestport (as gre case may be) shall require her to put to sea as soon as possible after the expiration of such period of twenty-four hours, without rmitting her to take in supphes beyond what may be necessary forlnizr immediate use; and no such vessel which may have been permitted to remain within the waters of the United States for the purpose of re air shall continue withm such port, harbor, roadstead, or waters for agonger period than twen?-four hours_after her necessary repairs shall have been complete , unless within such twenty-four hours a vessel whether shi of war, pnvateer, or merchant ship of an op osing belligerent, shall have departed therefrom, rn which case tile time limited for the