Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1012

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992 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 146. 1917. §§ggifg8wg;,§•?§°; Forest that such timber be removed, and that such Forest Service iloominee rms. of the Indian Bureau shall also certify that the lands proppsed to be cleared are not necessary to the preservation of the _ enommee _ Forest,_and would be more valuable to the Menominee Indians used L'm“°“‘”’· for agricultural or grazing purposes; that any mcrchantable timber cut hereunder shal be_d1sposed of in the mannerprovrded by law for the d1spos1tion_of timber cut upon the Menomrnee Reservation, and the authorization herein contained, m so far as rt applies to the

  • merchantable timber on said lands, shall not be construed so as to

increase the total amount of said timber authorized to be cut in any m§’;,{B'_’{P§§,°,,,*§, "$n’;,§{j one year: Providedfurther, That the funds herein authorized, together bers. with the $300,000 authorized by the Indian a(ppropr·1ation Act, a proved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred an sixteen (Public Npumbered Eight , page thirty-eight), may in the discretion of the Secretariy of the finterior, be glpportioned on a per capita basis among all euro ed members of the enommee Tribe, a per capita payment of $50 to be made immediately after the passage of this Act to each member of said tribe, and the remainder of the share of each Indian Sum ¤¢ minors to to be deposited to his or her credit: Prmrided, That the per capita """·°°‘* share of each minor under eighteen years of age in said sum so apportioned shall be deposited to the credit of the parent,_ guardian, or other person havin the custody and care of said minor, the per capita share of suc; minors or the unexpended balance of same Indivkmal credit on when an such minors shall arrive at the age of eighteen yeam shall ’°°°u““°"ht°°°’ be withehawn from the amount of the parent, guardian or other N§g_¤*•***¤ °‘ dr person and deposited to the account of such minors. All deiploisrts made to the credit of individual members of the Menominee _ be, to Barents, guardians, or other persons under the terms of this Act sha be subject to e nditure under the regulations governing the handling of individu§lwIndinn money. Oneida. I Sch I That. the Secretary of the Interior e, and he is hereby, authorized m¤1»¤a°l¤.° °° to convey to the public school authorities of district numbered one of the town of Oneida, Wisconsin, for district school (pmurposes, the tract of land and buildings thereon now occupied by the trict school and described as lot A of section one, township twenty-two north, cumin. range eighteen east of the fourth principal meridian, containing gggy-Six pine-tl;u:1idredths Stages, on condrstzgn tgiattvsglilrtgs lndrans eamr e onequ rmsmany ooesa se ereon. °“°"’}‘ ’°"°°‘ "“‘d“· That the Secret of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized Saleo lots. BK , to sell, at not less an an appraised value, lot X of section thirty- four, township twenty-four north, range eighteen east of the fourth rinci al meridian, containing one acre, an lot X of section twenty- llire Ilownshi twenty three north range nin then east fth f urth e, · , e e o e o PWM principal meridian, containing one acre, heretofore reserved for pmxedmrumaus. schools: Provided, That the (proceeds of the sale shall be expended for the benefit of the Onei a Indians under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. WY°¤**¤¢· WYOMING. Bg°¤*¤°¤·g· Sno, 25. For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in W o- S ppm m` ming, including pay of employees, $15,000. R¤S¤"¤“¤¤ ¤°h°°l— Fplr s1;pt§>rtIna(pd edugatrprélpf (Que hllrcndred and sa-péenty-five Indiain up sa e ransc oo, os one eservation ‘ oming, incu - ihg pay of superintendent, $3 1,47 5; for general re, aiiys and rm rovements $5000 in all $36 4"5 P P 7 * r l y 2 I •

- For support of Shoshones in Wyomirig: For pay of physician,

’ teacher, carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith (article ten, treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-Sgt), $5,000; for pay of second blaclgsmith, and such iron and s and other magelnglgx 320 may be required, as per article eight, same treaty, $1,000 ; in , , .