Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1081

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 162. 1917. 1061 intendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of monely order, supenntendents of registry, su rintendents of second-c ass matter, superintendents of inquiry, andpe superintendents of ?ations, one hundred and seventy-five, at not exceeding $2,000 eac . Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant A¢¤.8¤¤- superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mone order, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant su temlhnts of stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing clerg, chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, stenogrsphers, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, su erintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendpents of registry superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents 0i' stations, one hundred and sixty—itive, at not exceedin $1,800 each. Assmtant cashiers, assistant superintendents of degvery, assistant Am,m. superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mone order, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant su erintemlents of stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing clerlxs, chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, stenographers, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, sudperintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superinten ents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations, one hundred and seventy, at not exeeed:ix1%$1,700 each. Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of elivery, assistant Azam superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mon? order assistant superintendents of registry, assistant suErinte:n ents oi stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing cler , chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, Enance clerks, foremen of crews, stenographers, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of sec0nd—c1ass matter, and superintendengs of stations, two hundred and ninety, at not exceed1n` $1,600 eac . Assigtant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant M¤»¤¤¤· superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant supgrinten ents of stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing cler , chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, foreman of crews, stenogmphers, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations, nme hundred and fifty, at not exceeding $1,500 each. _ _ _ _ Assistant cashiers, assistant supermten_dents of dehvery, assistant M¤·•¤•1 superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of inane; order, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant s;1&c;rmten ents of stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief inm1% cl , chief stamp clerks, special clerks, examiners of stations, ance clerks, fcremen of crews, stenographexs, superintendents of earners, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations, one thousand seven hundred and ten, at not exceeding $1,400 each. Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant ·¤=¤»°¤¤· superintendents of money order, assistant superintendent of mails assistant superintendents of registry, assxstant superintendents ol stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing clerks, chief stem clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, foremen of crews, clerks, stencgraphers, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of maik, superintendents of money order,