Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/113

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92 SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. each year in the annual estimates report to Congress_the number of persons so em loyed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. _ .°¤°¤°‘°h*°‘°‘E"‘ Omen or Carer or Enemmnnsz Chief clerk, $2,250; two chiefs gui? mg of divisions, at $2,000 each; clerks——eight of class four eleven of ' lpl l class three, thirteen of class two, sixteen of class one, fourteen at • $1,000 each, six at $900 each; six messexgprs; three assistant mesers; laborer; messe er boy, $400; in , $103,310. skmec emnsmeu, Seléie services of skilldif draftsmen, civil engineers, and such other °t° services as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, may be em— . ployed only in the office of the Chief of Engmeers, to carry into effect the various appropriations for rivers arbors, fortifications, and surveys and preparation for and the consideration of river and harbor P . estimates and bills, to be paid from such appropgiations: Promded, Limit,stc. That the e enditures on this account for the cal year nmeteen hundred anxdp seventeen shall not exceed $50,400; the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed, their duties, an the amount paid to _ each. migwv AWN B¤· Omen or Bnnnau or Issuun Arrams: Law officer, $4,500; ' chief clerk, $2,250; clerks—ten of class four, seven of class three, eleven of class two, fourteen of class one, twelve at $1,000 each; _ three messengers; two assistant messengeis; four laborers; two cha.r— women; in a , 87,230. _ vg¤g=*g)m·g.#§_*;=c,{gj; Drvrsros or Miurm Armies, Orrrcn or Cmnr or Swan: For the used:. follo authorized by section twenty of the Act approved January §§§;,3§g$;3f'”· twenvtlytjgrst nineteen hundred and three, as amen ed by the Act approved Lfay twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eig t, and as VQ- 38,1»·48r restricted by the_ legislative, executive, and judicial Act approved March fourth nineteen hundred and fifteen: Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—two of class four, two of class three, four of class two, eleven of class pne,1e_Lght at _$1£100$:p$h; messenger; two assistant mes·‘ _ sen ers; wo a orers;1n ,_ , 00. p:s*:_f°"‘¤°°” ”‘ Firmiscellaneousexpenses,1nclud1ngstationerygfurniture,telegraph and telephone service, and necessary_pr1nt1ng and binding, $3,200 which sum, together with the foregoing amounts for salaries, shall $£·gjj¤I3}°,*}g_P·”°°· be paid from the permanent appropriation for militia under the provisions of section sixteen hun red and sixty-one, Revised Statutes as amended, and no other or further sums shall be expended from said appropriation for or on account of said Division of Militia Affairs during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen. C°¤°*¤¢°¤° ¤P°¤°°°· Courmonm nxrnnsms, WAR DEPARTMENT: For purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, including their exchange; books of reference, blank books, pamphlets, periodicals, news apers, maps; typewr1ters_and adding machines, including their excqiange; furniture and repairs to same; carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, scalp;] Sponges, fuel, gas, and heating ap aratus for and repairs lZ0.b\11l gs {outside of the State, War, and) Navy Department Bmldirpgj occupied by Adjutant General’s Office and other offices of the ·ar Department and its bureaus located in the Lemon Buildmg; purchase, exchange, care, and subsistence of horses and the purchase, maintenance, repair, and exchange of wagons and horse-drawn passengencarrying vehicles, and harness, to be used only for official purposes; freight and express charges; street car tickets, Perdiemsubsgstmmt not exceeding $300; an other absolutely necessary expenses, inv,,L 3,,,, 6,,,, cluding a per diem allowance not to exceed $4 in lieu of subsistence %?.‘L?€“§§iF€E§t?.€?&2%$£i“$§%"i°f tim Smélgttdd A°" ”*’P’°"°‘* A“g‘“" 1 ‘ OUI BCH O, . St°"°°”"‘ $2g`¢5160 stationery for the departmeht and its bureaus and oHic6B,