SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. 95 Orrron or Cmnr or NAVAL OrnnA·r1oNs: Chief clerk, $2,250; ”§’§;r*§,§§I};*°'N¤· clerks-one of class four, one of class three, three of class two, three V¤1.=~2s,g. mb. of class one, three at $1,000 each; one $900; telegraphers——chief P°”’p‘ I2" $1,800, one $1,400, one $1,200, one $1,100; two assistant messengers; meigsenger boys-Tpne $600, twocit 0400 eichggagoger; in g, $26,350. Bum -f N W UREAU or AVIGATIONZ 'e c er , , 5 ; c er ——two at - n_ " ° °" $2,000 each, five of class four, Eve of class three, six of class two, ml°¤¤f, p. 813- eight of class one, three at $1,100 each, fourteen at $1,000 each; fourteen copyists; nine copyists, at $840 each· two assistant messengers; messenger boy, $600; five laborers; in all, $84,050. Naval Int H, U Orrrcm or NAVAL IN·rnLLronNoE: Clerks—one of class four, one of omce. ° lg`? °° class three, one $1,300, three at $1,000 each; two translators, at $1,400 each; draftsman, $1,200; messenger boy, $600; in a.ll, $12,300. H dm ra M O, HYDROGRAPHIC Omucn: Hydro aphic engineer, $3,000; assist- may _ 8 P 1 ` ants—one $2,200, one $2,000; chieglclerk, $1,800; nautical experts- S“”‘"°’· one $1,800, one $1,600, one $1,400, three at $1,200 each, three at $1,000 each; clerks—one of class two, one of class one; custodian of archives, $1,200; copyists—three at $900 each, one $840, two at $720 each; compiler, $1,400; editor of Notice to Mariners, $1,800; computer, $1,400; drasftsmen-four at $1,800 each, fouraat $1,600 each, our at $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each, ten at $1,000 each, one $900; three apprentice draftsmen, at $700 each; engravers——chief $2,000, two at $1,800 each, three at $1,600 each, one $1,400, six at $1,200 each, me at $1,000 each, one $720; apprentice engravers—one $800, one $700; plate printers--chief $1,400, one $1,200, one $1,000, two at $900 each, one $800; apprentice plate printers-—one $700, one $600; lithogmphers-—chief.$1,800, two at $1,000 each, apprentice $700; process photographer, $1,600; lithographic transferer, $1,400; lithographic pressman, $1,400; photographic printer, $1,200; two negative cutters, at $1,000 each; two ee ers, at $480 each; electrotytper and chart plate maker, $1,400; assistant messenger; four la orers; helpers-two at $720 each, two at $660 each, one $600, one $500, one $480· in all, $123,660. _ Mmrms M For copperplates, steel plates, chart paper, packing boxes, chart pm,p.ui4.°’ portfolios, electrotyping copperplates, c eaning_ copperplates; tools instruments, power, and materials for drawing, engrav1ng, and printing; materials for and mounting charts; reduction of charts by photography; photolithographinglcharts for immediate use; transfer of photohthographic and other c arts to copper; care and re‘prairs_ to pricpting presses, fliglrniturr? insprumenins, an tooli; extra awgiig an en ;tra ating rom oreign angua es;t egrams on pu c busines§sr?`;>l1lle§>aration of. Pilot Charts and their supplements, and Pm m'°"°' printing and mailing same; purchase of data for charts and sailing directions and other nautical publications; books of reference an Works and periodicals relating to hydrography, nrarme meteorology navigption, surveying, oceanography, and terrestrial magnetism, and to other rofessional and technical subjects connected with the work · of the Hxydrographic Office, $26,000. _ Bmchmmg Cont' ent expenses of branch oiliices at Boston, New York, Phila- crmungmrexpms delphiajngaltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, San Francisco, Portland (Or n), Portland (Maine), Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Duluth, Saultegginte Marie, Seattle, Panama, and Galveston, mcluding furniture, fuel, lights, works and periodicals relating to hydrog- 1‘8pl1y, marine meteorology, navigation, surveying, oceanography, and terrestrial magnetism, stationery, miscellaneous articles, rent and care of offices, care of time balls, car fare and femage in visiting merchant vessels, freight and express chargles, telegrams, other necessary expenses incurred in collecting the latest mformation for
charts, and for other purposes for which the offices were estab-
, $10,000.