Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1174

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1154 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Suse. II. Ch. 179. 1917. $600; one laborer, $540; one laborer, $480; one laborer, $420; two charwomen, at $480 each; three charwomen, at $240 each; m all, $102 180.

- GIENEBAL mxrnNsms, BUm:AU or Errrouonocrz For the promotion

'°°'~’·°*°· of economic entomology; for invesf ting the history and the habits of insects injurious and beneficihglato agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture, and the study of insects affecting the health of man and domestic animals, and ascertaining the best means of destroying those found to be injurious; for collating, digesting, reporting, an illustrating the results of such investigations; for salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, rent out ide of the District of Columbia, freight, express charges, official traveling expenses, office fixtures, supplies, apparatus, telegraph and SIMM 0bi¤s_ pelophoneservice, gas, and electric current, in connection with the _ o owin invest; tions: · }"»$$j‘i,E;,'T“‘°°'°°°’°°°‘ For iitigvestigatéiglns of insects afectirgg deciduous fruits, orchards, I’°°¤¤¤- vinelyards, and nuts, $83,380: Prwid , That $9,600 of said sum shal be available for the investigation of insects affecting the pecan and method of control of same; mc? °"° ’°”‘° For investigations of insects aifectingl cereal and forage crops, ipcluging a Ggpecial investigation of the essian ily and the chinch ‘ , 123,2 ; ' S°"°h”°°°m°'°p" “§or investigations of insects affecting southern field crops, includin insects affecting cotton tobacco, rice, sugar cane, and so forth, and mmm the cigarette beetle and _Argentine ant, $89,400; Tmk mm For investigations of msects affecting forests, $50,770; p¤¤1¤¤e,aa _ For mvestigations of msects aifecting truck crops, including msects aifecting the potato, sugar beet, cabbage, onion, tomato, gognéséopeas, and so orth, and insects affecting stored products,

 For investigations and demonstrations in bee culture, $20,000 ;

¤,’}`g<g;?r}x,t:f¤ ¤¤¥>- Iror mvestigations of msects affecting tropical and subtro ical P fruits, inclpding igsects afecting the orange, lemon, grapeiguit, _ mango, an so ort , $17,100; F““* M- For investigations and control, in cooperation with the Federal ilggrgiggltmal Board, of the Mediterranean and other fruit {lies, Y Y ,$Q,§_°°""'°°'" _For investigations, identifications, and systematic classification of miscellaneous msects, mcludnng the study of insects affecf the healtht mandandhdomestgc arprpals, household insects, alhlg the _ _ _ _ im r a ion an exc_ ange o use u msects, $56,380· p,$§,'“‘”“_ °'°°"° °‘ _ lggngeueral administrative evienses connected with above lines of ggvdeggigations, and for misce aneous expenses incident thereto, I 7 In all, for general expenses, $524,250. m‘§¤Q,Pf,};hSf¤d *’*°W¤· Punvmrrrno srnuan or·_ HOTHS, BUREAU or Errrouonoorz To °'€4;og¤1hng spread enable the Secretary of Agriculture to meet the emergency caused by ’ the continued spread of the gypsy and brown—tail moths by conductmgssuch experunents as may be necessary to determine the best metho of controlling these insects; liy introducing and establishing C we qumw the parasites and natural enemies 0 these insects and colonizing ,,,,,,°°¥’°‘,,,,,,,,,S"“,_ them within the infested territory; by establishing and maintainin ‘·'¤¤-3M¤¤· ¤15.&»#~ a quarantine agamst further spread in such manner as is provided llgmttgisn g:p]medn;1rs1ery~stoek law, aipproved August twentieth, _ _ . n twelve, entitle "An Act to regulate the importation of nursery stock and other plants and plant products, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain quarantme districts for plant diseases and insect pests, to permit and regulate the movement of, fruits, plants, and vegetables therefrom, and for other purposes, m cooperation with the authorities of the different States concerned and with the several State experi-