Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1200

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1180 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 180. 1917. si;-inglof (f;SlXl}BB]1-l1]Cl1 shell at the naval proving ground, Indianhead, __ an , $755.01. _

°°°l°r uLrg}HT1'NG FACILITIES, NAVY rAmJs AND BTATIONSZ Improvements

lighting facilities to facilitate night work, at navy yards and naval _ stations, $200,000. ·


repairs and preservation at navy yards, fuel depots, fuel plants, and stations, $1,705,000. ,,,T',§$bl° "'ml "' Total plublic works, $16,976,255.01, and the amounts herein appropriated therefor, except for repairs and preservation at navy yards and stations, shall be available until expended.

 The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to enter into con-
  • ¤*¤=•°* dw °¤°*= •°- tract for the use by the United States Government of a dry dock at

Boston, Massachusetts, which shall be capable of docking the largest vessel that can be passed through the locks of the Panama Canal, for a period of not to exceed six years from completion of such dock, at a compensation of $50,000 ger annum during said period of §,,{",.,'f*3’”,,,;,,, ,0,,,,,,,, years, the right of the United tates Government to the use of said ¤¤¤- dock in time of war to be prior and paramount: Prmnkled, That the construction of said dock shall be imdertaken immediately —upon entering into this contract and shall be completed within thirty months thereafter: And provided further, That said contract sha °°'“'"°'°m”°°" provide for docking rates not in excess of commercial rates and for P . , br such other conditions as may be prescribednb; the Secretary of the a¤¤u¤g.°° um Navy prior to enterin into said contract: A further, That in the event during Sie said contract period o six years, the necessities of the deet require the docking of vessels which will necessitate a charge greater than $50,000 per annum, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to have vessels docked therein at a rate of charge not greater than the price stipulated in said contract. Bureau of Hedidne cmd Sumry- BUREAU or MEDICINE AND suacmzr. Surgeons necessa- ¤°=:. . MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: For surgeons’ necessaries for vessels in c°vu°°°°m”hm°°°' commission, navy yards, naval stations Marine Corps, and for the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, navy yards naval medical supply depots, Naval Medical Schoo , Washington, and, Naval Academy, an toward the accumulation of a reserve supply of medical C,,mnm,_ stores, $1,121,740. Cosrmemw, Burman or Mnnromn AND Srmemzr: For tolls and ferriages; care, transportation, and burial of the dead· purchase of books and stationery, binding of medical records, unbound books, and pamphlets; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration; sanitary and hygienic instruction; purchase and repairs of nonpassenger-carrying wagons, automobile ambulances, and harness; purchase of and feed for horses and cows; maintenance, repair, and operation of two passenger-carrying motor vehicles for naval dispensary, Washington, District of Columbia; purchase of one motorpropelled vehicle for official use only for the medical officer on outpatient medical service at the Naval Academy, and of a motor omnibus for the transportation of convalescent patients and attendants at the Naval Hospital at Las Animas, Colorado, to be used only for official purposes; trees, plants, care of grounds, arden tools, and seeds; mc1dental_ articles for the Naval Medical School and naval disgensary, Washington, naval medical supply de ots, sick quarters at aval Acadeng and marine barracks; washing for medical department at Naval edical School and naval dispense , Washington naval medical supiply depots, sick quarters at Navarlr Academy and marine barracks,_ ispensaries at nav; yards and naval stations, and ships; and for minor repairs on buil ings and grounds of the United