102 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. Rural museum-u ‘ tion of rural education, and industrial education, °°°°°u°°` indl1(i&vcsdJrsl:ci.nal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, anal) no salary shall be paid hereunder in excess of $3 ,500 per annum, $35,000. _ . . d '1‘=¤'°l*¤¤ °¤P•¤¤°¤~ For necessary trave nses of the commissioner an employees ac under his tion, including attendance at meetings of educatidii§ associations, societies, and_ot er organizations, $3,000. many. For books for library, current educational periodicaliibther current publications, and completinglvaluable sets of perio icals, $500. ¤°*=°°**¤dh°m°¥“" For investigation of school and ome gardemng m cities and manudmw facturing towns, including peisonal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $5,700. _ _ _ ¤P°°*¤·"°P°’“- For collecting statistics for special reports and circulars of information, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $3,600. _ _ _ _ Dgmgting °°°“‘ For purchase, distribution, and exchange of educational documm ’° ments, collection, exchange, and catalogugig of educational apparatus and appliances, textbooks, and edncatio reference books, articles of school furniture and models of school buildings illustrative of foreign` and domestic systems and methods of education, and repa1r- ing the same, including personal services_m the District of Columbia for the purpose of bringing the cataloguing up to date, $2,500. ¤¤P•g¤.*°Pd°:uji Orrrcn or SUPERINTENDENT or 'rim Carrror. Bumpme AN?) ggyds. mums Gnomms: Superintendent, $6,000; chief clerk, $2,000; chief electrical engineer, $3,000; civil engineer, $2,400; two draftsmen, at $1,200 each; two clerks, at $1,200 each; compensation to disbursing clerk, $1,000; messenger; person in charge o the heating of the Supreme Court and central portion of the Capitol, $1,000; la orer in charge of water—closets in central portion of the Capitol, $660; seven laborers for cleaning Rotimda, corridors, Dome, and old library portion of Capitol, at $660 each; two laborers in charge of public c osets of the House of Representatives and in the terrace, at $720 each; bookkeeper and accountant, $2,200; in all, $29,960. °°¤“°¤°°‘°‘P°‘““· Coirrmennr nxrrmsns, Dnrairrmnnr or rmi Iivrnmon: The following sums, which shall be so apportioned as to Hprevent deficiencies therein, namely: For contingent ex enses of the 0 ce of the Secretary and the bureaus, offices, and of the department, including $12,000 for the Civil Service Commission: Furniture, carpets, ice, lumber, hardware, dry goods, advertising, telegra hing, street car tickets not exceeding $250, expressave, w ons and) harness, horses, purchase, maintenance, and repair ofnhorsdirawn passenger-carrying vehicles, motor trucks, motor cycles, and bic cles, maintenance, repair, and exchange of same, food, forage, and shoeing of horses, dia ams, awnings, filing and labor—sa devices, constructing modlel and other cases and furniture, and other absolutely necessary expenses not hereinbefore provided for, including traveling expenses, fuel and lights, typewriting and adding machines and exchange of same, $131,000. 8°*“°¤°'Y· For stationery, including tags, labels, index cards, cloth—lined wrappers, and specimen bags, printed in the course of manufacture, and such rinted envelopes as are not supplied under contracts made by the Ppostmaster General, for the department and its several bureaus Addmom, dg and offices, including not to exceed $6,500 for the Civil Service Comducted com tamu, mission, $81,000; and, m addition thereto, sums amounting to °m°“·°"°· $35,650 shall be deducted from other appropriations made for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, as follows: Surveying public lands, $2,000; rotecting public lands and timber, $2,000; contingent expenses ofofiices of surve ors general, $2,000; Capitol Building and repairs, $150; Geological Survey, $2,100; Bureau of Mines, $2,000; Indian Service, $25,000; Freedmen’s Hospital, $400; ` and said sums so deducted shall be credited to and constitute, together with the fi1st·named sum of $81,000, the total appropria-