Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1357

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INDEX. (gxxxv Natrimal quard-·gonti.nued. Page- National Guard-continued, Page. appropnation_ _ r manuiacturi reserve assignment- commu, comp] mmammumtion for Field Anixllery . 644 _ not to be .. f .. 199 purchasesallowed ... 644 cluefsofstafftobe `ediromArmy-.- 199

ggoolsi sits., to manuiacture 644 adass&n;1at;1t frommlAr13iy or National Guard,- 199

ro, ¥,.,.£.,., otlrorses1Z>i-`ririéfetcjiiiiii or ’“ by Zgsggderit .. 1.‘i‘?:t .“”°‘“ .. ff'? ra for orage, supplies, etc 645 annual appropriations to be made ior supfqr cgye horges; of enlisted mgn_ 645 Por]; gf; gu pug _____ _ __________ _ , 199 for pgrhcrpntrrgn 1; Army encnmpmgntg, 645 appointment of gptiq, gw ,,_,,__,_____,, 199 maneuve ,e_: .. ex uses ed;tob chargedagams' for expenses of traming camps; pay, etc., Pe otmept. .0. . i 199 for attendance .,.. _. I . . 645 property_and dnsbursung officer to be ap-

tation of Regulars to gomt 645 to   lil each Stage, glffhhiéé  200

---··---······-··-- · rece! an acco t reduced rates by carriers for members progeny; ret1.rrii:...?i . 200 attending Army encampments, etc. 646 to receive and pay annual allotment; foratggmdmgmj]t—[éayyh$‘-ilpgyjcgxhoohog b0n(?¢Q0u||b,,,_,,,,,,,,.,...,,,,_.,,, ml gsm; e .; ... . .. 646 ; and all wances; mspec` ' for 0 cers ggéned to Bureau. - . 646 etclfiv X .. iii 200 gor property and disbur-sing omcers .. 646 location of units in States, etc._ . . 200 or annskomedgary supplies, etc., for 646 t or reduassongestricted .. 200 issue . ...,...,,,.,., e men; rug yu; thygg for iggdenml expenses, encampments, 646 _ activiandpgze Resgrve ...,. . . 200 . . . e en contrac oa uired' . . ml for office exfpenses, Militia Bureau .. 646 issue of discharges; in timdeiii peace for travel o :Army officers forjnspection, prior to expiration of period . . . - 201 _HlB`iII'HQtl0D, etc., duty with 646 0Hicers_; Federal oath required. .. m1 for inspection of camps, material, etc. - . 647 ualiiicauons; examinations required,. . 201 for transportation oi supplies of . 647 vacancies when drafted into servfor eépenses of sergeant? inspectors; _ ice .. . , 202 0 ce rent .. . .. 647 discharges, etc: findings of uniitues; for arms, equipment, etc., for field serv- 647 b absence wétliout leave .. % 1ce y er e aviation equipment . 647 National .Gusrd_I§eserve; cf... 202 supplies, etc ...,,___ _ , , ._ ...,,_, 2 ,,,.. 647 gay wlien training, ptberjor rdden, , , , 202 for procuring ranges for I·`1eld Artillery, $·¤·¤Ei°¤¤ for ¤>¢¤¤¢ ¤'¤¤1¤8 to be BB- f etc., target practice Z ... 647 signed from, etc..._., , .. 202 or manufacturing, etc., new infantry composlhon of, provisional regiments, equipment, for _ . 6 47 €T·¢ ·----··.. _ ... _ .. . 20 2 return of prior mues on recegtl of . 648 transfers from, to active service . 203 for families of enlisted men _ fted or seqlximont of 0mQ6!¤_¥D ..- , 203 called into military service; condi- 649 “ °m¢ ]y;e$§·yI1¤ D1¤¤i\€t bgf C0l1i¤\£1& ?l— w hong _______,,__________,,____ _ ___, 0 _ _ QSVPB 0 I. 01108 2 ., of for pay of, ordered into service .. 337 _ tmnqng_m ... , . . .: . 203 appointments as cadets tp Military Nwqnsi Mmm Bonrd Sbvlmlied ·-····.· · 203 Academy from, authorized; condi- 62 Y{H¢l;>:;>¤g Md l1¤'%¢€¤%¤:;<;tltions ...,.. . . . . 8 \11’¢0¤ 8!' 6 · National Defense Act proyisions, consti- _ m¢·¤l·i P¤>’» im--; ···· 1 ·-··----···· 203 tpged part ogjhe mma` ___________ 197 uniform, arms, and equipment to be same Composition of; umt organizations game as _ ll Army ... : . . 203 _ Army. . .. 197 ¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¢h¤¤¤¢d: ws, etc-. required 203 maintenance by Qtates, etc., of troops P“*'°h”-¤°° from _-Um? ¤¤PPlY d€P•¤'*¢· other than, in time of peace, for- mem *:;f*th°¤¤°d fi'- —-··-~ ; -··-··-· 204 ° bidden ... ._ ...,... 198 ¤¢w¢YP¤¤ to be med to. right to use, by State ID time of peace, not W"h°“Y c _ · --······ - ·—---·-·- 204 limited ...,... 198 mmm ·>f wor ¤¤¤¤¤¤ ---- - ··-·-----·--- 204 authority for State police or constabulary 198 **10****% Sta}: KY be eg\:¤g1;¤¢éiu£f;’. not . - Putm » number required witlrin a year from each {WP: ····--·~·····- ; ···~-··-··-···· 204 State and Territory _ 198 1’°<1¤¤¤m<?1¤al§¤r élrmezc in ww of war; yearly increase until rgroia attained. . . - 198 . °w v , - ·····--~·-— ; · ·- 204 discretion is raving ut one nepreseu- 198 wwriygsezegggmmm property or the 204 tative . ..·---»--...-·- - ···········‘········· less tim umol., ed. existing mgm} report, etc., on surve of damaged, etc,. M4 _ muon; §11d¤;·Fdié&.’.é&té. . RH 198 g of Ls ew-, through 205 egim rs ‘t , wi one . · ·, ·---·-·----··-·-····· I e§.epr‘•;1senta?.i;)¢;T ,,,. . , . .5 ..,.,,,.. 198 dwpossltgf Unstinnfuble. . .&. Q _____ ZM "Territory" to include Hawall, Alaska, re . PY. °’. °’t• °°c·> . °. {mm Porto Rico, and Canal Zone 198 P°m¤P*m°¤ ¤¤ ¤PP¤?•P¤¤¤<{¤¤ ----- 205 organization in Coun} Zone?. ._ ..,_,,.,. 198 proceeds of sales to be covered mto the r privileges of certain organizations con- T|'€$m'Y ··-···-· · -··-·-----·-.·.-. 205 . tinued . ..·-.. 198 horses, etc., to be furnished ; regulation. 205 status oi . - . ._ _ ... 1 98 use of condemned Army horses .. 205 assignment to tactical umm; details from care, etc., of horses; men authorized; · Army to command . 198 WY, W: .. 216