Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1383

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INDEX. (glxi Phelps, N. R, P¤8¤· Philippine Iala·n.da—C011ti.nued. 1*886- condemned caxmou grammd to .. . 839 enforcement of Immigration Act iu, by oiii- Phenol, cars thereof .. .. .. . . 874 duty_ou. . ._ . .. 794 head tax on aliens entering. to be paid into . Phmolw Ream, _ treasury of the islands. 875 Pliiuty on, oyuyhetxc . . 794 vwsekigxggxiggd thgsgagtimd light dues 286 enylenedwmm, 0 .. . . . 4 t ___,___ _ ,,_,,,.,__,,___,___,,,,_ 794 refund authorized -- -· -- --..---·-·-· 286 phugonhth lam· 110 exem tioufrom taxesof.. ..,.,.. 286 £.‘%’y".§'.€‘.’...’f...i’T’ ... 794 P'””P1mI5¤mGWm"*•··m¢». I’hiladelph121&gaZtim0re and wumngum Rau- ‘;‘*£‘,jfr';";;}’;1§1°(]'lfd"¤1{’ff’ffP”“d°d ‘°’ ·--·· gg authorgggd moggggzgack connections, etc., cjtg;§;*BhLI;l?;1:gj6§j’;§;°m %°°%"°d ‘‘‘'‘·‘• 55;:2 _ with W¤$hi¤gt°P• D• Ow MVY Yard 565 gonemfldeclamgon oguiif Y azz- • · N Q . budge _Aua.costia. R1vcr to navy yard . . 566 rights 8 pmp Y 546 old S1d1D%S, etc., to be removed 566 Elm, °{ °’' i1` ' 546 exchange o lands with, in connection with mu gglsbeedom. ’ I am ° " 546 J.`11iBJCOStj8 River Flats improvements; 1042 legiglhmve rwuicggimyg Y Pm I °°° 547 t1t es, expenses etc. .. · '’‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ right of my ·>¤ L S¤é¤¤ SE -·----~--—--— 41***3 °‘.‘L‘§§i‘§$,?°¤'%$ "%$.?J23’0€°f£i'¥;‘.‘}1’€‘;T¤°ét:t;a 5*7 Pnumz mu,1=· . ’ ____ approgrianios ° for assistant ’¤rw¤r¤r’¤ ge¤¤mie§§$»¥$t?g me ti¤}i£é·i `é£i&§`§i>%`i{,Z 547 office -----·--------·------------ 88. 1092 plicable m .. .. .. .. ..,,., , ,,,,,, 547 {O! mint at --··---·--···-·· - ·--· _· · ; - · 89, 1093 _ laws in force continued .. .. .- .. ,,,_,_,____ 541 for goat office and C0uI’f.h0\1SB blllldmg- 267 modification, etc., by legislature, , , ,,__ 541 gg; 1':l;k‘f<;?1 Afilsgll-gg], --··- ·· ---~·· Q I _ grjff and revenue 12::3 iuclgggill . 547 fornavalgxoing .. 562,1174 °g’“ LY,§;,{’;’J,{;°,§‘f g'__"“ _____________ {YT? 54-, for navy yard, public works ...· ~ ··-- 565, 1177 property rights of the United States transfor dry dock ... . . Z .. 565, 1177 {meg w__ __ ____ _ _____ _ ____________ .547 for ma.fiuc_ba.rracks, public wor):s. . - _565, 1179 military reservations, etc., excepted 547 for cquxpping navy yard w build ships lands purchased from religious organizafor increase of the Navy- -._ .. 618 dom, gte _,,__ _ __________________ _ 547 construction of capmal shxps i¤rth· disposal of public lands by legislature . . . 548 with .-..···-·-·- _ ----··---··-----·· 618 approval of the President .. - ..,... 548 for naval fuel oil mm? plaqt .---· - ---- 1169 control over reserved public lands redeficiency appropriation 01* mmt at- ._· · ; · 860 stored to the islands . . .. .. .. , .,. 548 granted nght of WSY through Fm Mnfim trade relations to be governed by United reservation; conditions . . . . . 531 Sga1,B¤]gw¤__ ,,__ __` ________________ 548 Philippim Islands, _ tariff, immigration, currency, and coinage appropriation ior pay of Resdcut Com- laws subjecy. go approval of tho Presxmissioners from . 69, 1074 dang; conditions .. .. . . . 548 for expenses ... 4 70, 1074 oxpoxjt dunes prohnbned ... _ .. . . . . 548 for clerk hire, Resident Commissioners. 1 tuaucn ugnttholinizzd by, Provmces, and 548 mumc1pa._ as ... : .: .. for relief, etc., of shipwrecked American bonds may be npsued to snucnpatc taxes, seamen in . 262, 1058 _ _ eye.; mapmum allowed. 1 . 548 for accomodations for sepcoast artillery in 286 Plulxpinmp Lqgmlature vested with general for arrears of pay, war gu .. . . . . t 297 Ggmlutwe powers . . . . . 548 for preservation, repmr, etc., fo1"[1£C3é48 912 ¢®m}5>1l‘;¤r§:'ie§0¤¤nu&¤ce of present au- 548 _ t·i°¤8· ····· · ······ · ········ · ····· » . . " ‘' . " •‘‘‘ ‘’‘‘ "."! '‘‘*· { mud · ww torpedo legmlrmve authonpy of Commsmon to or gructuresiglf,. . T2 .. 348, 912 Cease 011 0!'8$¤1Z&U0¤ of- -. t 548 for [gm] dgfggmgg, gm ,. ,, ,, ,,__ _ _ _ _ Z ____ 348 eenatg; terms of members and quahiicafor electric plants, ¤¢¤c<>¤·¤¢ f¤r¤iic¤· ¤¤¤¤- -~----··-· ; · - -_ -----~······~-- 549 fjgug __ __ ________________________ 348, 912 house of represen12at1vqs, terms of memfor airships, etc., seacoast defenses .. 912 begs angl quslxiicuuons . .. Z . 549 for mail uipmems for . . . . . . 422, 1068 q¤¤hiic=~m¤¤¤ of voters, first elect-wu --2 549 for care 0(Hepers, etc., Culioq . . . . 559, 1170 members elected to present assembly _ for high power radio mtivn m -- ----··-- 607 $0 smc wml }919 ----·-»----·-· ;· - -_ M9 for shelter of troopg in , _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 638 qughjcgtygng Of ygtgyg, fmt election, restriction on amount for <>f5¤¤r¤’ qw- 638 wuazgggiqgggzéé-ééhgéd ·-.-·-·---·-- gg; for cz;. . {zi; representagtive districts, uuxpbcr: §50 asylums in . . . . 640 first electxou; publicauon or uouce .. g§0 for contingencies, Engineer Department, 641 term? aggztogg; glggresrizfi m0 Arm · .,,. . .. - .---- - · · ’·PP°m . lgm bills of lading; restrictions againstjsauing, and represeutauvos by Governor 550 in parte, not apphcablc to slupments 539 elecgglg -·-·- ····- _ to . . ..-.-·-· ~ --····-· - -··- ' Hug “H_ In ·•_-·..·_····._’_.·-_.·-____··_ W mr ggelgyauggfn f) . ... . 539 commgzceqxeut of terms of members; 550 giggg °]i ° t N 3] vgcggclw ____ _ ____ :_ ________ _______ d .£g»?fie1$1fy fog; F(;o£g;Bor,a autgor- righgs. qtc., of respecuve houses; organj_zgd___,____,,_____,____,________ 493,576 ]_z3ugn,0§cgg·g‘g(c____________,___ 550