Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1406

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elmiv INDEX. Quartennastez·General’s Office, WarDepartmen,t, P¤8°· Radiotelegraph, Naval, Possapkpropriation for clerks, etc 91, 1097 appropriation for expenses of experiments, orarchitect, engineers, etc ... 91, 1097 etc 606,1.185 deficiency appropriation for clerks, etc., for maintenance of coast signal service... 606 1917 .. . ... 809 for purchase of shore station sites, etc 606 Quartenn.aster’s Department, Marine Corps, transfer of site for station from other approgrriation for mamtenance, etc. . . . 613, 1189 departments . ... 606 Queens ‘ eek, Va., _ for aerials, State, War, and Navy Departpreliminary exammation, etc., of, to be ment Building . 606 made .. . .. 407 for installirlrg, etc., high·power stations Quwnx, N¢’¢gdYw‘k, ted to 840 at spec' ed locations .. . . 607 °°¤ °m¤ °*¤¤°¤ 8****1 ----··---—··· Radiotelegraphic Convention, International Q"“”'·'t°'”’?'·» Md -1 , aggropriation for share of expenses. , 258, 1054 Q1;}j1}':a’?£lr;“;‘1?§* 2; · 394 d ciency appropriation for share of ex- 802 a ropriation for su rt, t ., f ,’ . 153, 989 ~ pauses ``°°°`` °°``'°``'`'°```````` ¤~$·i»·» ,0·=¤»¢-, M $·’$°?#·~`? °0·°S· Naw, R“1§£;°€Z$t;“,Zt.1“1’6“’1;t1mqmt1i1I,, occupied 00 00r0s0=00¤i¤1 0¤.=0*=iv0 *00*: 1010200 —--- 002 23'6IB.i111`?‘°0r ms.‘.°.`..?Y`?’...°i°Y.i[?1Y°Y)I 48 ° ¤um%gFn%°gau;rk°dPg;? :2 °‘dd1u°ml 603 use of funifolriilnnéveying lands in, for otl‘i;:§4 1108 · ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ wor ; , Qtmq/’ Ill" · · · · Railroad Routes, Postal (see also Postal Servpproptriation for public burlding 268 . Qumran Indian Reservation, Wash., “Z°)·. . . payment for labor of Indinnn nn, num mba] appropriation for mail transportation by. 419, 1064 funds ,.,,,.,._,..,.,,_, 3.53 fr00 sewage 0* 1>0¤¤~! of¤¢¤¤¤¤;- —--· ;- - 419 Qqgnngpgm 3;,,,,-, goymzi tc f to b M1£¤;)1$1Sppa River bndge serv1ce Saint 419 !Bh1D.`I.II3l'y SXIIHIDB 011 6 ., 0, G ‘''`' . """°Z '‘`'`' "Z" W l_ mms, New n1wem’ to usenet 406 Em S=¤¤¢ L0¤1¤ Md Sam 41 9 tnomr . '""°°"""° ```` °:"`°°°Z"` on gm, list __________________ _ ____________ 793 arrangement for mail by freight {mm Gaq trams, etc . . 1064 Qzp ggéjgtiqu gm- public bujming _________ 268 deficiency aplpropriation for mail transpo1·· - d¤£¤i¤;1¤Y ¤PP¥°P¤’i¤&°¤ f°' P“bu° b¤i*d· gugwggzgggr `-`·° sreight ofiéifgm 827 ws -... . ... 18 i _ cel packages, January 1, 19 4- - 425 L 1.n_spec ed zones, since 15, 1913. 425 . eadprstment of pay for mail transportation R“’”°’· I 11 etc 425 appropriationforsup ressi £,b destm - · y' ``‘' ‘°'``'°° °"*°" " _1.,c.m.m,,s’31m,‘;,°,.‘LmZ1,-... #{67,1156 w·0·0~*0,,;,;·*0,i;·;,1;·;g0¤·,{,;;0,·;g;·,0,,*:,¤00,$, deiiciennft approgriation for destroying Hoods atc 161 R gk J 0**00**00 with ··---~--- 24 estimating by §1§}é}§1§é i16}imii }&éig1i1QQZ 161 I ° '? R;c¤g,1g01;;,*&¤0¤ *0¤i¤¤1¤0v0¤=00=0f ·—-···—-- 303 °pp]$$1i;$, Z°tcY°`1i$:6§fi°3i'€f1..i°li}?fi? 161 U. . . spprbpriation er improvement .,1 11.111,0;.. 401 R·yl{*}g>;·,ggl_g;ggl{•;g)§g8g0_0,g0¤ 907;;): .,m condemned cannon granted to, for Spamsh · 2 Ws "00···= 0···=0 ----··-··--··---· 033 161 .,32*.€€?.§‘6‘§§3¥“.?f2%y 2',;‘11.;;.ea1;; 2% Rad' C' ’ hon . ¤p‘§m%'I.‘§'.§1 enlorcing, m mmm steam- *0 0,33308 *000** 0* ·00··l>000· 0*0·» .,8,, ers, etc .,, , _____________ 11 1114 . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘`'‘‘ Z` " for investigating, etc., methods and in-3, fm m,;:u.0mfI`tmgn§)g°cl:cm§ml and mm] 680 struments emplo es in .. 115,1116 ° ·”Y”"’ • °- 0 °' ····· r ····· “

 ew for nh     vessels for ascertainmfg physical valuation of 981

- ’ " . · property 0 . .. Radio 0,,mm,f,l: Lr:1 °Elz€é1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 538 for infomation of stocks, bonds, · · · ’ " etc., o 281 Ratapo mE€,n;,3°mqnf°9rg;:;zun;m°’ etc ‘‘‘‘‘ 32* for compelling use of safe locomotive Q . . 7 ° Sppvopljxation for purchase of exclusive . b° ```‘’ I '``` Z °`‘` *3} nghm hom of top C81Tyl.l1g 11181.18 130 (ISBIIVBI, !'€Q€1V€, 811d Ped,) coumi 1m,enn0m_ ___________ 347 _ transfer them without additional pay R.,1.t“°‘*.e.,.,·°,.,*0·;"0,,,‘¥,*;°0 --··-····· ·· -----·- 00 .1,"‘“°’1,.,1;§;’$.¥',1°...1‘°“‘,£°.§‘§1‘;‘?1i,:‘e,;;ees;1,;.: ‘ appropriation for; [unit, ______________ _ _ _ _ 91, 1095 _ ployees of, in interstate commerce. . 721 no Installations, Army, independent short lines, and electric, deiciency appropriation hr, ,,,_ , ,________ 45 street, etc., railroads excepted. . 721 for Mexxcan border .,,,.,, , _ _ 339 terminal and transfer lines included 722

 Torpedo Control, finality of judgments, etc., of circuit courts

appropriation for purchase of rights of Jolm oi appeals in causes arising under Hays Hammond ’s invention of , 347 r eighteen-hour law . . 727 { tests, etc. . ..,..,_ 341 certgorari allowed from Supreme Court W ¤l' examination etc. o board of Army or review, etc . 72.1 and Navy officexa. . 347 investigation, etc., for coordination of ex— tngnment of patent etc- .. _. . 347 teusive highways with, for military. for purchase and installation of one unit. 348 industrial and commercial purposes. 850