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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/189

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trative nature, on which they can be lawfully and properly employed: Provided, That no officer shall be detailed as a member of the General Staff Corps, other than the Chief of Staff and the general officers herein provided for as assistants to the Chief of Staff, except upon the recommendation of a board of five officers not below the rank of colonel, who shall be selected by the President or the Secretary of War, and neither the Chief of Staff nor more than two other members of the General Staff Corps, nor any officer not a member of said corps, who shall have been stationed or employed on any duty in or near the District of Columbia within one (year prior to the date of convening of any such board, shall be detailed as a member thereof. No recommendation made by any such board shall, for more than mm im" one year after the making of such recommendation or at any time after the convening of another such' board, imless agam recommended by the new board, be valid as a basis for the detail of any officer as a member of the General Staff Corps; and no alteration whatever shall be made in any report or recommendation of any such board, either with or without the consent of members thereof, after the board shall have submitted such re rt or recommendation and shall have §Q‘{",§`g°c'{,°,§‘f,;,u.d_ adjomned sine die: Providedlofurtlwr, That the War Collplge shall remain fully sub`ect to the supervising, coordinating, and 1 ormmg powers conferred by law upon members of the General Staff Corps, - and officers for duty as instructors or students in or as attaches of said college may be selected and detailed freel from among members of said corps but any officer so selected and detailed other than one director shall thereupon cease to be a member of said corps and shall _ not be eligible for redetail therein so long as he shall remain on said ,,§,‘}§°',,}Q’3°“’ °"‘ ”' duty ; and B9 Officer on the active list of the Army shall, for more than thirtvp days in any calendar year, be attached to or assigned to duty m the ar College m any capacity other than that of resident, director, instructor, or student, or, unless a member of the (iianeral Staff Corps, be attached to or employed in the office of the Chief of Staff: Pro- Pggbvgnafg $$2 ridedfurther, That the organizations heretofore exzistin in or in COD- sions misuse. nection with the office of the Chief of Stad under the designations of the mobile army division and the Coast Artillery division be, and B¤¤$¤¤•·ss¤r=>¤s¤·¤·<*- they are hereby, abolished and shall not be reestablished. Tho business heretofore transacted in said divisions, except such as comes _ clearly within the general %owers s ecified in and conferred upon ‘°'· 31 *’· ‘“"· members of the General Sta Corps by the organic Act of Congress approved Februaiiy fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three, is hereby transferred as fo ows, to wit, to the office of the Chief of Coast Artillery, all business apportioned to that office by law or Army regulations at the time 0 the creation of the Coast Artillery division of the office of the Chief of Staff; to the office of The Adjutant General or other bureau or bureaus concerned, all other business; and subject to the exercise of the supervising, coordinat' , and informing powers conferred upon members of the General 8]% Corps by the Act of Congress last hereinbefore cited, the busmess transferred bv this propiso tio lcertain h1urea}ps‘pr offices {shall hereafter be transacted _ _ exc usive _ or un er the irection o the res ective heads thereof; kgjjsf Of Cem Ami- and the Chiefyof Coast Artillery shall be an additional member of the Duties, em. General Stall Corps and shall also be advisor to and informant of the p Chief of Staff in respect to the business under his charge: Provekied ,,;jg;g§gc8<{;ggggdtgfjurther, That hereafter members of the General Staff Corps shall be confined strictly to the discharge of the duties of the general nature of those specified for them in this section and in the organic Act of Congress last hereinbefore cited, and they shall not be ermitted to assume or eng e in work of an administrative nature lgiat pertains to_establ1she Siureaus or offices of the War Department or that, being assumed or engaged in by members of the General Sthif Corps,