Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/197

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` 176 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 134. 1916. a master signal e1ectrician_and the same percentage of increase in payufor leggth of service as IS allowed to a master signal electrician. C E¤“*°°d¤•¤·8‘¤*' e to strength of the Signal Corps shall be limited and Exed from time (tic {;11?1e by the Igresrdent in a£clco{·d:;n_ce with the neeéis mamma of theArm an s consisto master sign e ec rrc1ans;_sergean s Gnu first classysergeants; corporals; cooks; horseslroers· private, class; and rivates; the number in each grade being fixed from time P°'°°¤’¤¤•¤ °'¤‘¤d¤¤· to time by gre President. The numbers in the various grades shall not exceedh (2 tirllgwingl 8(ercentages lof the ttotal aaultg1or1:ed_ enhsated stren the rps name y: er sign ec ricians wo www per cgntum; serggitlnts, first, class, seven per centum; sergeants, ten ` per centum ; corporals, twenty per centum. The number of privates, Um, ,,,g,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,s first class, shall not exceed twenty-five per centurn of the number of ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤d- privates. Authority istgereby given the Prgsigialrgt 151 orgamzei uiiglis discretion such part of ecommissione an e te onne 0 e Signal Corps into such number of companies, battalizlris, and aero Bmmonmm M_ squadrons as the necessities of the SBPVICB may demand. aes. _ _ Sec. 14. BUREAU or I.NsUr.An Arrams or mn Wan DEPART- ,,,,‘],{,%'f""·*"‘°" °°“' l[?NT.·—N0ti%1lDg in this Act shtglll lée constgigdstg 1"0?&§I.l.6X.lS;»1I£g jgzrws re ating tot eorganizationo e ureauo ar arrso the ar °”“*"“"·* Degumenhs rt r 21 t ‘ at ‘ (1 · t t ` no. 15. APLAINS.— e residen is au orize to appom y {?§{“,§f’,,‘f‘§l‘gf"*‘°"* and with the advice and consent of the Senate,_ chaplains in the Army at the rate of not to exceed, including chalplains now in service, one for each regimerzgs of Csiylalry, Infantry, Fx dArEHillery, anid Enginieerlp, and one for eac one thousand two un e officers an men 0 the P’°°‘-•°· _ Coast Artillery Corps with rank ay and allowances as now authorv¤;’ivu¤v19»<i•.pr° ized by law: Prmnkleil, That in the appointment of chaplains in the R°€="‘1" ‘}r"'1i’ ‘”"f°‘3"i°° ““ii¤"'3°"Yl' “f““rl’E giZ'i.“ “’ °p”lif%i‘t ve erans, 0 erwise u yqua_ e an w_ os_ no ave passe e age of forty-one years at the time of apphcation who have rendered honorable war service in the Army of the United States or who have V C been honorably discharged from such Army. »®'·"¤3¥·@@·*¢ MSESS-1ti?a`§“S$?i22A$§(iZ%¤Z§.li°0i1°§§d§2°ii h‘2"’b" “‘*“Z°"“€d* by . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nae oappom ve erma- W v°t°m°m°S rians andassistant veterinarians in the 1Arrfx;_y, nd; to exceed, including veterinarians now m service two suc o icers or each re iment 0 Cavalry, one for every three batteries of Field Artillery, ong for each mounted battalion of Engineers, seventeen as inspectors of horses and rnules and as veterinarians in the Quartermaster Corps, and seven as Dgicmnsatto Medica inspectors of meats for the Quartermaster Corps; and said veterina- F nm"` rrans Egg assistatnli veigsrinfanans shaléobe crtizeinslpf the United States ance s cons 1 u e e etermary rps an s all be a part of the _ Medical Department of the Army. ,,,;§§j"‘“”‘ “‘"“‘°· Hereafter a candidate for appointment as assistant veterinarian °t;Q¤Mi¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤ for, must be a citizen of the United States, between the ages of twenty-one ‘ and twenty-seven years, a graduate of a recognized veterinary college or university, and_shall not be aplpointed until he shall have passed a satisfactory examination as to c aracter, physical condition, general education,.and professional qualifications. é!g¤r%}é_r¤;;·t&;tgh0m An assistant veterinarian appointed under this Act shall, for the ° first fiveyears of service as such, have the rank, pay, and allowances of secoind heutenianh; that after five years of service he shall have the v»w2mma¤—. mu , pay, an a owances of iirst lieuten t; th t aft iiftg of servrgeallile shall be promoted todbeha glzlgerinsiirian gith tlild iisibriils r _ ay, an owances 0 captain, an t at a ter twenty e rs' service

.»a—. E6 Shan hal'? dm Tmk, Pfiy, Mid allowances of a maj%1·?Pr0v·£ded,

That any assistant veterinarian, H1 order to be promoted as hereinbeforguprovided, must Hist pass a satisfactory examination, under such es as the President may prescribe, as to professional qualifi-