SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 134. 1916. 183 the support of the Army, appriloved March third nineteen hundred and eleven: Prmrided further, at enlisted men of the Reg11lar Army °u§’}§*§,,*°dm°¤*°"*¤€ who have completed one year’s service with an organization may ` become candidates for vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant created or caused by the increases due to the operation of this Act: C _ Prmnkled further, That appointments to the grade of second lieutenant 1>i?§rdfii!i¤gl1d0°iiilnin the Corps of Engineers including those created by this Act, shall “°"· continue to be made as now rovided by law, but that officers of the Army or Navy of the Unitedp States may become candidates for said appointments under the provisions of section five of the Act of Con- V°'·36· P· 95* gress approved February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven, without previously vacating their commissions as officers and Bumu mm m ,_ that the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, allow persons to mms. I g become candidates without previously establishing eligibility for a pointment as junior e vineer under the Engineer Bureau of the _ Vgar Department: Providlddfu rther, That officers appointed to original m},‘{§`Z,”}lc_““d '°1"""" vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant created or caused by this Act shall take lineal and relative rank accordingl to dates of appointment, and the lineal and relative rank of second °eutenants appointed on the same date shall be determined under such regulations as the R i i Secretary of War may prescribe: Prmrided further That the President sm§°:r°giii;§. °°° °° may recommission persons who have heretofore held commissions in the Regular Army andhave left the service honorably, after ascertaining that they are qualified for service physically, morall , and as to age and military fitness; such recommrssioned officers shall take R°“k‘ rank at the foot of the res ective grades which the; held at the time E . mm for an of their separation from the Army: Prowkled fart .1-, That the pro- promotions wow mg. visions of existing law r uiring examinations to determine fitness “‘”°" g°“°““· for promotion of officers gil the Army are hereb extended to include Ma, rs d 1, M promotions to all grades below that of brigacherdgeneralz Provided amwiamili mu °` furtlwr, That examinations of officers in the gra es of major and lieutenant colonel shall be confined to roblems involving the higher _ functions of staff duties and command): And ovided further, That ,,,,£”¥,',,°§c,{$E,"§3,;"l§ in time of war retired officers of the Army may li; employed on active ¤¤*• °' we'- dut , in the discretion of the President, and when so employed they shag receive the full pay and allowances of their rade: And o- Umsbon mw
- mkled_further, That hereafter any retired officer, who has been or sliTall Pm, p. m. `
be detailed on active duty, shall receive the rank, pay, and allowances of the grade, not above that of major, that he would have attained in due course of romotion if he had remained on the active list for a period beyond tlie date of his retirement equal to the total amount of time during which he has been detailed on active duty since his retirement. _ Sec. 25. Tum nnrxonnn orrrcmzs.-—That on July first, nineteen ;,;T°°°h°° °m°°” hundred and sixteen, the line of the Army shall be increased by eight d,}g,°'°:f,, mgm hundred and twenty-two extra officers of the Cava.lry,`Field Artillery, e¤}¤·a. 623 Coast Artillery Corps, and Infantry arms of the service, of grades from °“°’ p' " iirst lieutenant to colonel, inclusive, lawfully available or detachment from their pro er arms for duty with the National Guard, or D tm d mi I other duty, the usual) period of which exceeds one year. Said extra vii a¢i,pl°°°s y' officers, together with the two hundred detached officers pfovrded for by the Act of Congress approved March third, ntreteen undred and eleven, shall on and after July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, constitute the Detached Officers’ List, and all positions vacated by officers assigned to said list, and the officers so assigned, shall be VOL 31 755 Subject to the provisions of section twenty-seven of the Act of Congress ’ p` " approved February second, nineteen hundred and one, with reference Pmpmim, mmm to details to the staff corps. The total number of officers hereby mamma. authorized for each grade on said list entire shall be in proportion _ to the total number of officers of the corresponding gra e now