Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/207

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186 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sasa I. C1-1. 134. 1916. B°°°*“*”*°¤* °“°' with s ch 0 anizations either under a Erst or any subsequent enlistmm mm ment, liny sbldier may lie reenlisted for another period of seven years, as above provided for, in which event he shall receive his final disc rarge a,,1;,“"g§¢’Q:’ R°°°"° from his prior enlistment: Provided furtlwr, That after the eicpiratron ° Y of one year’s honorable service any enlisted man serving with1n the , continental limits of the United States whose company, troop, bottorv. or detachment commander shall report him as proficient and sufficiently trained ma , in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be furloughed to the Eegular Army Reserve under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, but no man furloughed to the reserve shall be eligible to reenlrst in the service until the ergprration '¤T¤¤·· r•¤¤ wm- of his term of seven years: Provided further, Thatin all enhstments $r¥i$1.°° mbmut hereafter accom lished under the provisions of this Act three years shall be counted) as an enlistment period in computing continuous- F~·>•e*¤*¤¤¤¤*¤*¤¤¤- service ay: Promklcd further, That any noncommissioned officer glis- °°mmm°m°°m°m` chargedp with an ex ent character shall be permitted, at the expiration of three ears in the active service, to reenhst in the organization from which chscharged with the rank and grade held by him at the time of his disch e if he reenlists within twenty days after the date ,m,‘§“$__,,"§,{""° *’“" of such discharg<§$’rw•k1edferdhcr, That no person under the age_of eighteen years shall be enlisted or mustered into the military service cfg the United States without the written consent of his parents or guardians, rovided that such minor has such Vwparents or gpardians P¤y_¢o mmm entitled to custody and control: And proc ed further, hat the

  • '°°b°°m°°°‘ President is authorized in his discretion to utilize the services of

postmasters of the second, third, and fourth classes in procuring the enlistment of recruits for the Army, and for each recruit accepted for enlistment in the Army, the postmaster procuring his enlistment ' °*°°°' *'“"°°· °hfuri1°.iii°th£Z»S`1f1i€’f$5£ra¤¤mg· ldi hil h f ' °°* na ron mr ary ,so ersw emteacrveservice sm for wmn shall hereafter be given the opportunity to study and receive instruction upon educatronal lines of such character as to increase their military eiiiciency and enable them to return to civil life better equipped for industrial, commercial, and general business occupa-

  • r•¤h¤¤.ew. tions. Civilian teachers may be employed to aid the Army officers

in giving such instruction, and part of this instruction may consist of vocational education either in agriculture or the mechanic arts. The Secretary of War, with the approval of the President, shall prescribe rules and regulations for conducf the instruction herein provided for, and the Secretary of War shlx have the power at all times to suspend, increase, or decrease the amount of such instruction offered as may in his judgment be consistent with the requirements of military instruction and service of the soldiers. _{y¤·;{._iv•¤i¤·¤ •¤· Sec. 28, PAY or CEBTAIN_ mznrsrnn Msn.-·—Hereafter the monthly pay of enlisted men of certain ades of the Army created in this Act shall be as follows, namely: 5-uartermaster sergeant, senior grade, Quartermaster Corps; master hospital sergeant, Medical De artment; master engineer, senior ade, Corps of Engineers and band leader, Infantry, Cavahy, Art§lery, and Corps of Engineers, $75; hospital sergeant, Medical Department; and master engineer, junior grade, Corps of Engineers, $65; sergeant, first class, Medical Department, $50; sergeant, first class, Co of E eers; re `mental supply sergeant, Infantry, Cavalry, Ililiiild Art§ianry, and Cbrps of Engineers; battalion supply sergeant, Corps of Engineers; and assistant engmeer, Coast Arti ery Cogps, $45; assistant band leader, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and orps of Engineers; and sergeant bugler, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Corps of Engineers, $40; musician, first class, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Corps of Engineers; supply sergeant, mess sggeant, and stable sergeant, Corps of Engineers ; sergeant Medi Department, $36; supply