SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 134. 1916. 189 performance in civil life, for emolument, hire, or otherwise, when the same shall interfere with the customary employment and regular engagement of local civilians in the respective arts, trades, or professions. Sec. 36. Snnomurs For. DUTY wrrrr run NATIONAL GUARD.- ,n§’;,$g}¤wg§1S,$,;‘¤ggggg For the purpose of assisting in the instruction of the personnel and Guam. care of property in the han s of the National Guard the Secretary of War is authorized to detail from the Infantry, Cavalr , Field Artillery, Corps of Engineers, Coast Artillery Corps, Medical Eepartment, and Signal Corps of the Regular Army not to exceed one thousand sereants for duty with corresponding organizations of the National guard and not to exceed one hundred sergeants for duty with the disciplinary o anizations at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, Amit, ml t R6 who shall be §ditional to the sergeants authorized by this Act for the mr xrmignumia. gu` corps, companies, troops, batteries, and detachments from which they msg be detailed. . mmm, Row ,8 no. 37. THE OFFICERS, Rnsnnvn CORPS.··—FOl‘ the purpose of corps. _ _ ` securin a reserve of officers available for service as temporary officers °’g"“"""°” °'· in the Regular Army, as provided for in this Act and in section eight v°1‘ 38* p" 3*** of the Act approved A ril twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, as officers of the Cliiartermaster Cogis and other staff corps and de artments, as officers for recruit ren ezvous and depots, and as oidicers of volunteers, there shall be organized, pnder such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe not mconsistent with the provisions of this Act, an Officers’ Reserve Corps of the Regular Army. Said corps shall consist of sections corresjipnding to the S°°“°"S‘ various arms, staff corps, and departments of the egplar Army. E,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s,,,.,,,,, Except as otherwise herein provided, a member of the OH5cers’ "*°· Reserve Corps shall not be subject to call for service in time of peace, and whenever called upon for service shall not, without his consent, be so called in a lower grade than that held by him in said reserve co s. lllhe President alone shall be authorized to appoint and comrnis- z>r‘$K°§i$§iiZl by sion as reserve officers in the various sections of the Officers’ Reserve Corps, in all grades up to and including that of major such citizens as, upon examination prescribed by the President, shall be found physically, mentally, and morally Eiualified to hold such commissions: pmam. V rmrided, That the proportion of 0 cers in any section of the Officers P'°¥’°'“°“ ““"‘°"· Reserve Corps shal not exceed the proportion for the same grade in the corresponding arm, corps, or department of the Regular Arm , except that the number commissioned in the lowest authorized gradre in any section of the OfHcers’ Reserve Coizps shall not be limitedl All persons now carried as duly qualifie and registered pursuant m’§§’G'},i§f,§§§f° °‘ °°" to section twenty-three of the ct of Congress approved January Vu. 3¤.p.m. twenty-first, nineteen hundred and three, shall, for a period of three years after the passage of this Act, be eligible for apipointment in the Officers’ Reserve Co s in the section correspon ing to the arm, corps, or departmentlgdr which they have been ound qualified, without further examination, except a physical examination, and subject to the limitations as to e and rank herein prescribed: Pro- mm __ vided, That any person carrigg as ualified and registered in the msamnmea wais? grade of colonel or lieutenant coloneii pursuant to the provisions of *°“““°°°‘°”°'S· said Act on the date when this Act becomes effective may be commissioned and recommissioned in the Officers’ Reserve Corps with the rank for which he has been found qualified and registered, but when omega to was when such person thereafter shall become separated rom the Officers "°“°° ‘ Reserve Corps for any reason the vacancy so caused shall not be filled, and such office shall cease and determine. _ No person shall, except as hereinafteéfgrovided, be ajrggrinted or ·*g° “““““°'“· reappointed a second lieutenant in the cers' Reserve rps after