SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 134. 1916. 209 such soldier, may impose fines not exceeding $25 for any sm le N·“"°““· °°m’· offense; may sentence noncommissioned officer to reduction to Sie ranks; may sentence to forfeiture of pay and allowances. The proceedings of such court shall be informal, and the minutes thereof sllr;allUbe tléessame as prescribed for summary courts of the Army of t e mte tates. Sec. 106. All courts-martial of the National Guard, not in the m§:l1migix1z°fi)nn¢iis]?* service of the United States, includingl summary courts, shall have power to sentence to confinement in `eu of fines authorized to be p,,,,,;_,,,_ imposed: Pramkled, That such sentences of confinement shall not Limit exceed one da for each dollar of fine authorized. A Wm, 0, mm Sec. 107. Nh sentence of dismissal from the service or dishonorable saI,I•itc. discharge, imrbosed b a National Guard court·ma.rtial, not in the service of the nited States, shall be executed until approved by the governor of the State or Territory concerned, or by the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia. Pam M I Sno-. 108. In the National Guard, not in the service of the United sutpmunsw. ' itiates, presigents of 00111*8- 8.l arid sumxgiry court oflgeetiés ve wer issue warran arres accus persons an ring themqihfore the court for trial whenever such persons shall have disobeyed an order in writing from the convening authorit{6t;a§r before such court, a copy of the charge or charges having . v- ered to the accused wit such order, and to issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum and to enforce by attachment attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers, and to sentence for a refusal to be sworn or to answer as provided in actions before civil courts. Allgirocesses and sentences of said courts shall be executed by such mwtm °t P"` civil officers as may be prescribed by the laws of the several States and Territories, and in any State where no provision shall have been made for such action, and in the Territories and the District of Columbia, such processes and sentences shall be executed by a United States marshal or his duly a pointed deputy, and it shall e the duty of any _ United States ilnarslgall to lpxecaiiite all such processes and Eentences and ma e return thereo to the officer issu` or imposin the same. _ Sec. 109. Par ron NATIONAL GUAR1;)l€Q)FFICERS.—%6It8lH commis- ¤.i;°1Y»»t$$»$iZ“.§l° °m` sioned officers on the active list belongin to organizations of the National Guard of each State, Territo , and the District of Columbia participatinglin the apportionment of the annual appropriation for the support of the National Guard shall receive compensation for their Empum services, except during periods of service for which they may become ` lawfully entitled to the same pay as officers of corresponding Hades mma of the egular Army, as follows, not to include lo evity pay; captain $500 per year and the same pafyrghall be paildg to every officer of higher ran than that of captain, a t lieutenant $240 per year, and asecond lieutenant $200 r ear. R lations to be by D°°'"°°"“"°"°" the Secretary of War shgl dyetermineeghle amount an character of service that must be rendered by officers to entitle them to the whole or specific parts of the maximum pay hereinbefore authorized: Pro- sag, ga,.,m,.,_ mded, That all staff officers, aids-de-camp, and chaplains shall receive not to exceed one-half of the pay of a captain, excetpt that regimental adgutants, and majors and captains in comman of machinegun companies, ambulance companies field hospital companies, or Sanitary troops shall receive the pay hereinbefore authorized for a ca mu' , Enlistedmen. Sec. 1 10. Par ro11_N xrroxu. Guam: nNr.1s·rnn arms.--Each enlisted my zmuvss. man on the active list belonging to an organizationpf the National Guard of a State, Temtcx& er the District Columbia, partlclpattlgf H1 the apportionment of e annual appropriation for the support the N atxonal Guard, shall receive compensation for his services. 91890°—-vox. 39-11 1---14