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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/232

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 134. 1916. 211 the preceding proviso shall not ap l to any State Territo , or ”“'°”*'· °”**°- District until sixty days next after tlibyadjournment of the nexrgses- SgtL?Zw,?]l§gYS°i2taY,’Y sioéi of its legilslature egd after the approval of this éllct. no. 111. .·vrroNAL Ulnn wnnrx nnsrrnn mro nnnnnr. snrrv- . U¤¤.v¤¤¤ dsméd rcn.—When Congress shall have authorized the use of the armed land iii»i»°e'l>1i1$»t°§il' S°m°°m forces of the United States, for any purpose requiring the use of troops P°“" p` 33°‘ F 7 3 in excess of those of the Regular Army, the President may, under ‘ · Q f such regulations, including such physical examination, as he may 0 A prescribe, draft into the military service of the United States, to 9/ " serve therein for the period of the war unless sooner discharged, any or all members of the National Guard and of the Nationa Guard Reserve. All persons so drafted shall, from the date of their draft, A,'I,;§’y}’°°°m° pm °’ stand discharged from the militia, and shall from said date be subject to such laws and regulations for the government of the Army of the United States as may be applicable to members of the Volunteer Army, and shall be embodie in organizations 00l'I°6S‘YODd.lD5`8.S far as practicable to those of the Regular Army or sha be o erwise App°,¤mm°wm_ assigned as the President may direct. The commissioned officers of ws. said organizations shall be appginted from among the members . thereof, officers with rank not a ve that of colonel to be appointed by the President alone, and all other officers to be gplointed by the To mat. Angry President b and with the advice and consent of the ate. Officers 1**% °*°— and enlisted, men in the service of the United States under the terms of this section shall have the same pay and allowances as officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army of the same grades and the same Prior S°rvicB’ . Pension laws made Sec. 112. Rrorrrs TO PENSIONS.·—Wl16D any officer or enlisted man appucsbie. of the National Guard drafted into the service of the United States in time of war is disabled by reason .of wounds or disability received or incurred while in the active service of the United States in time of war, he shall be entitled to all the benefits of the pension laws existing at the time of his service, and in case such officer or enlisted man dies in the active service of the United States in time of war or in returning to his place of residence after beinig mustered out of such service, or at any other time in consequence o wounds or disabilities received in such active service, his widow and children, if any, shall he entitled to all the benefits of such pension laws. Rm nm Sec. 113. Encormaonmnm or mrrn 1>nAo·rrcn.—The Secretary mtg: efrllrnstes of War shall annually submit to Congress recommendations and esti- {jjj- ‘° "° "‘*’“““°‘l mates for the establishment and maintenance of indoor and outdoor ride ranges, under such a comprehensive plan as will ultimately result m provid' aderguate facilities for ride pfsactice in all sections of the r·—¤;¤¤¤r im. country. I-[End t at all ranges so estab hed and all ranges which may_have already been constructed, in whole or in part, with funds provided by Congress shall be open for use bg those in·any branch of the military or naval service of the United tates and by all ablebodied males capable of bea ° arms, under reasonable regulations to be prescribed by the contribing authorities and approved b& the Secretary of War. That the President may detail capable officers m °;”· and noncommissioned officers of the Regu ar Army and National " Guard to_ duty at such ranges as instructors for theléihmpose of training the citizenry in the use of the military arm. ere rifle ranges shall have been so established and instructors assigned to duty thereat, the Secretary of War shall be authorized to nprovide for the issue of a reasonable number of standard military es and such quantities of ammumtron as may be available for use in conducting such rifle practice. Sec. 114. 'I‘mu1=o1m¤r vlclrwems m Rseuam Amr! mm T0 ,,,",:",,¤;°'“’ !{".,,'§?, DETAILS T0 THE Nxrrorur, Gu,um.——-In time of war the temporary egg: i•imi¢•¤¤¤¤ vacancies created rn any grade not above that of colonel among the ° C0»m·IH1SS10D6d personne of any nm, staE corps, or department of