SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Orr. 134. 1916. 213 Sec. 118. Nrccmssanr nunms ann REGULATIONS.·—Tl16 President g{g};°”g{·c°°;:°i,· shall make all necessary rules and regulations and issue such orders immd. " as may be necessary for the thorou h organization, discipline, and government of the militia provided Eur in this Act. Sec. 119. ANNUAL nsrmyrns nnqUmnn.—The Secretary of War q$5_°'° °°"“'““"°' shall _.cause to be estimated annually the amount necessary for carrying out the provisions of so much of this Act as relates to the militia, and no money shall be expended under said provisions except as shall from time to time be appropriated for carrying them out. Sec. 120. Prmonasn on raocunnmnm or Mmrranr surrrms m §lSlia°°’$*ir1ii'¤,§:"' mm or acruar. on munmnr wan.--The President in time of war §,§,s°*}¤“j{g_*$•}¤,;*_,'*f*“" or when war is imminent, is empowered, through the head of any department of the Govemment, in addition to the present authorized *927 methods of purchase or procurement, to place an order with any indi- 4% @ vidual, firm, association, company, corporation, or organized manu- éyyé facturing industry for such product or material as may be required ` and which is of the nature and kind usually produced or capable of being produced by srgplh indtifvidual, firng company, association, co ration, or o aniz man acturing in us . ghcmpliance all such orders for productgy or material shall be obligatory on agi individual, firm, association, company, corpprivtion, or organiz manufacturing industry or the responsible ead h N ·_ or heads thereof and shall take precedence over all other orders and km u plants mm, contracts theretofore placed with such individual, Erm, company, °'°·°'“‘· association, corporation, or organized manufacturing industry, and N§‘,ff,,_“'°"“‘“‘““**’°' any individual, firm, association, company; corporation or organized manufacturing industry or the responsi le head or heads thereof owning or operating any plant equipped for the manufacture of arms or ammunition, or parts of ammumtion, or any necessary supplies or equipment for the Army, and any individual, firm, association, company), corporation, or organized manufacturing industry or the responsi le head or heads thereof owninghor operating an manufacturing plant, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of Vlar shall Pl t bh d be capable of being readily transformed into a plant for the manu- mmfr:ai¤r°¤igP° mm, facture of arms or ammunition, or parts thereo , or other necessary °‘°‘ supplies or equipment, who shall re use to give to the United States suc preference m the matter of the execution of orders, or who shall refuse to manufacture the kind, quantity, or quality of arms or ammunition, or the parts thereof, or any necessary suppllies or equipment, as ordered by the Secretary of War, or who s all refuse to furniph such arms, ammunitions, orbparts of a.m(1;1unition,(pri)oth§r supp ies or e ui ment, at a reasona e rice as etermine the Secretary of qWlsir, then, and in eitherpsuch case, the Presdlent, o?.l’Z':§‘ZZ X33! through the head of any department of the Government, in addition “‘°“”· to the present authorized methods of purchase or procurement herein provided for, is hereby authorized to take immediate possession of any such lant or plants, and through the Ordnance Department of the United States Army, to manufacture therein in time of war, or when war shall be imminent, such product or material as may be required, and any individual, Erm, company, association, or ,,,,,,,P‘§‘j,?'g,,,'?{‘Tf""°"‘°"' corporation, or organized manufacturing industry, or the responsible head or heads thereof, failing to comply with the provisions of this section_shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction shall be pumshed by imprisonment for not more than three years and by a fine not exceeding $50,000. com onsstionll The compensation to be paid to any i¤diVidu¤·l» firm. °°mfl’“!Y¢ °'°d“°g·°‘° association, corporation, or organized manufacturing industry or its products or material, or as rental for use of any manufacturing plant while used by the United States, shall be fair and just.
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